14D: Twiggs Clay Vertebrates
Research specimens collected by Hank Josey from the Twiggs Clay.
The below lists should not be considered a complete listing of Twiggs Clay Vertebrates, but only a sampling from published research.
Twiggs Clay Vertebrate Species
Twiggs Clay Vertebrates reported in 1970 by Sam Pickering (Bulletin 81)
Genus & Species Common name Frequency
Lamna apppendiculata Mackerel Shark Common
Carcharias cuspidate Great White (Warm Seas) Abundant
Galeocerdo latidens Tiger Shark Common
Myliobatis (species?) Eagle Ray Abundant
Basilosaurus (species?) Early whale Very Rare
Eosiren (species?) Manatee Rare
Dennis Parmley at Georgia College and State University adds:
Genus & Species Common name Frequency
Carcharocles auriculatus Megatooth Shark Rare
The American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) in New York maintains a national online catalog of vertebrate species. For the Twiggs Clay the AMNH lists:
Location: Huber Mine (Now KaMin) Huber Pit #1
Reported by Gerard R. Case
Genus & Species Common name Finds
Lamna twiggsensis Mackerel shark 2 teeth
Ginglymostoma obliquum Nurse shark 2 teeth
Odontaspis acutissima Sand shark 3 teeth
Propristis schweinfurthi Sawfish 3 snout teeth
Myliobatis (species?) Eagle Ray 8 teeth
Location: Huber Mine (Now KaMin) Huber Pit #2
Reported by Gerard R. Case
Genus & Species Common name Finds
Scyliorhinus enniskilleni Catshark 10 teeth
Hemipristis wyattdurhami Snaggletooth shark 5 teeth
Negaprion eurybathrodon Requiem shark 5 teeth
The AMNH also list for Huber (No pit location given):
Genus & Species Common name Finds Catalog#
Pterosphenus (species?) Constrictor snake Vertebra FR 7167
Twiggs Clay Vertebrate Species
Twiggs Clay Vertebrates reported in 1970 by Sam Pickering (Bulletin 81)
Genus & Species Common name Frequency
Lamna apppendiculata Mackerel Shark Common
Carcharias cuspidate Great White (Warm Seas) Abundant
Galeocerdo latidens Tiger Shark Common
Myliobatis (species?) Eagle Ray Abundant
Basilosaurus (species?) Early whale Very Rare
Eosiren (species?) Manatee Rare
Dennis Parmley at Georgia College and State University adds:
Genus & Species Common name Frequency
Carcharocles auriculatus Megatooth Shark Rare
The American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) in New York maintains a national online catalog of vertebrate species. For the Twiggs Clay the AMNH lists:
Location: Huber Mine (Now KaMin) Huber Pit #1
Reported by Gerard R. Case
Genus & Species Common name Finds
Lamna twiggsensis Mackerel shark 2 teeth
Ginglymostoma obliquum Nurse shark 2 teeth
Odontaspis acutissima Sand shark 3 teeth
Propristis schweinfurthi Sawfish 3 snout teeth
Myliobatis (species?) Eagle Ray 8 teeth
Location: Huber Mine (Now KaMin) Huber Pit #2
Reported by Gerard R. Case
Genus & Species Common name Finds
Scyliorhinus enniskilleni Catshark 10 teeth
Hemipristis wyattdurhami Snaggletooth shark 5 teeth
Negaprion eurybathrodon Requiem shark 5 teeth
The AMNH also list for Huber (No pit location given):
Genus & Species Common name Finds Catalog#
Pterosphenus (species?) Constrictor snake Vertebra FR 7167