14E: Ocmulgee Formation Vertebrates
This should not be considered a complete listing of Ocmulgee Formation vertebrates.
Ocmulgee Formation Vertebrates reported in 1970 by Sam Pickering
(Bulletin 81)
Genus & Species Common name Frequency
Lamna apppendiculata Mackerel Shark Rare
Carcharias cuspidate Great White Common
Galeocerdo latidens Tiger Shark Rare
Myliobatis (species?) Eagle Ray Abundant
Smithsonian; Eocene
The below files lack detailed stratigraphic location so they are presented here, many of the records are also repetitive, the same species collected at different times by different researchers, so here they are consolidated to present a record of what’s present in Georgia’s Eocene sediments:
Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
Eocene Vertebrates from Georgia
Online Catalog: Search the Department of Paleobiology Collections
Downloaded: 7/April/2013
Genus & Species Common name Location Specimen
Order: Testudines Turtle Wilkinson County 34 shell frag.
Family: Mesonychidae Mesonychid Crisp County Partial Femur
Propristis schweinfurthi Sawfish Bibb County Dermal bones
Protosiren (species?) Siren/Manatee Houston County Partial rib