Deep 1321 ft Core from Colquitt,
By Paul F. Huddlestun
Posted 10/April/2023
Core Taken; 1988
Log Created 28/Sept/2009
Written up by Huddlestun; March-April 2023
This core log was created by Paul Huddlestun from three separate cores, and upper, middle and lower.
COLQUITT 9a and 9b, (MOULTRIE CORE), GGS-3535 (upper part, lower part)
COLQUITT 5, GGS-3199, U.S. GYPSUM 76-8 (middle part), Site of Mobley Plant Farm 1, Colquitt 9
Moultrie 7½’ Quadrangle
Latitude N 31° 13.118'
Longitude W 83° 48.941'
Elev. ~28O Feet
Core Depth 1,316 feet
Legged Beds 158
COLQUITT 5, GGS-3199, U.S. GYPSUM 76-8 (middle part), Site of Mobley Plant Farm 1, Colquitt 9
Moultrie 7½’ Quadrangle
Latitude N 31° 13.118'
Longitude W 83° 48.941'
Elev. ~28O Feet
Core Depth 1,316 feet
Legged Beds 158
Unit and bed number Description Thickness Depth
Unit and bed number Description Thickness Depth
Bed 1 Soil sand: organics with roots and argillaceous; 1.5 0.0
massive and structureless; unconsolidated but
competent; dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/2);
grades downward into:
Bed 1 Soil sand: organics with roots and argillaceous; 1.5 0.0
massive and structureless; unconsolidated but
competent; dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/2);
grades downward into:
UNDIF. HAWTHORNE GROUP – 32 feet (78% core recovery)
Bed 2 Sand: fine to fine/medium grained, well to 2.5 1.5
moderately well sorted; argillaceous; massive
bedded and structureless; unconsolidated but
coherent and competent (100% core recovery);
grayish orange (10YR 7/4) to dark yellowish
orange (10YR 6/6); grades downward into:
UNDIF. HAWTHORNE GROUP – 32 feet (78% core recovery)
Bed 2 Sand: fine to fine/medium grained, well to 2.5 1.5
moderately well sorted; argillaceous; massive
bedded and structureless; unconsolidated but
coherent and competent (100% core recovery);
grayish orange (10YR 7/4) to dark yellowish
orange (10YR 6/6); grades downward into:
Bed 3 Sand: fine to fine/medium grained and well to 6.5 4.0
moderately well sorted; sandier in the lower
part of Bed; clayey to argillaceous; thinly
stratified in the upper part, more massive and
structureless below ~ 9 feet; unconsolidated
but coherent and competent; color mottled
with pigments defining stratification, ranges
from grayish orange pink (5YR 7/2), grayish
orange (10YR 7/4) to dark yellowish
(10YR 6/6) and yellowish gray (5Y 8/1)
grades downward into:
moderately well sorted; sandier in the lower
part of Bed; clayey to argillaceous; thinly
stratified in the upper part, more massive and
structureless below ~ 9 feet; unconsolidated
but coherent and competent; color mottled
with pigments defining stratification, ranges
from grayish orange pink (5YR 7/2), grayish
orange (10YR 7/4) to dark yellowish
(10YR 6/6) and yellowish gray (5Y 8/1)
grades downward into:
Bed 4 Sand: medium to medium/coarse grained, 1.5 10.5
moderately sorted; argillaceous; massive and
structureless; unconsolidated, coherent and
competent (100% core recovery); color
mottled as above but with more moderate
reddish brown (10R 4/6) and dark yellowish
orange (10YR 6/6); grades abruptly
downward into:
moderately sorted; argillaceous; massive and
structureless; unconsolidated, coherent and
competent (100% core recovery); color
mottled as above but with more moderate
reddish brown (10R 4/6) and dark yellowish
orange (10YR 6/6); grades abruptly
downward into:
Bed 5 Sand: silty to fine grained well sorted; 1.0 12.0
argillaceous; thinly and rudely bedded;
unconsolidated, coherent and competent
(100% core recovery); color ranges from
dark yellowish orange (10YR 6/6) to very
dark yellowish orange (10YR 5/6) to
grayish orange (10YR 7/4); grades
downward into:
argillaceous; thinly and rudely bedded;
unconsolidated, coherent and competent
(100% core recovery); color ranges from
dark yellowish orange (10YR 6/6) to very
dark yellowish orange (10YR 5/6) to
grayish orange (10YR 7/4); grades
downward into:
Bed 6 Sand: medium grained and well to moderately 0.5 13.0
well sorted; slightly argillaceous; massive and
structureless; loose and barely competent
when moist yet competent (100% core
recovery); moderate yellowish brown
(10YR 5/4); grades downward into:
well sorted; slightly argillaceous; massive and
structureless; loose and barely competent
when moist yet competent (100% core
recovery); moderate yellowish brown
(10YR 5/4); grades downward into:
Bed 7 Sand: silty to fine grained and well sorted, 1.0 13.5
lower 3 inches of sand is coarse and poorly
sorted; argillaceous; thinly and crudely layered;
unconsolidated, coherent and competent; color
ranges from dark yellowish orange (10YR 6/6)
to very dark yellowish orange (10YR 5/6) to
grayish orange (10YR 7/4); abruptly overlies:
lower 3 inches of sand is coarse and poorly
sorted; argillaceous; thinly and crudely layered;
unconsolidated, coherent and competent; color
ranges from dark yellowish orange (10YR 6/6)
to very dark yellowish orange (10YR 5/6) to
grayish orange (10YR 7/4); abruptly overlies:
Bed 8 Clay: silty to finely sandy; stratified; 1.0 14.5
unconsolidated but competent; color ranges
from dark yellowish orange (10YR 6/6) to very
dark yellowish orange (10YR 5/6) with some
light brown (5YR 5/6) to moderate yellowish
brown (10YR 5/4), pale red purple (5RP 6/2)
to very pale red purple (5RP 7/2); grades
downward into:
unconsolidated but competent; color ranges
from dark yellowish orange (10YR 6/6) to very
dark yellowish orange (10YR 5/6) with some
light brown (5YR 5/6) to moderate yellowish
brown (10YR 5/4), pale red purple (5RP 6/2)
to very pale red purple (5RP 7/2); grades
downward into:
Bed 9 Sand: fine grained and well sorted; slightly 1.0 15.5 argillaceous; massive and structureless;
unconsolidated, coherent and competent: pale
red purple (5RP 6/2) dark pink (5RP 7/2);
abruptly overlies:
unconsolidated, coherent and competent: pale
red purple (5RP 6/2) dark pink (5RP 7/2);
abruptly overlies:
Bed 10 Clay: becoming silty downward; faintly 1.0 16.5
stratified; hard and brittle when dry;
competent; grades downward into:
stratified; hard and brittle when dry;
competent; grades downward into:
Bed 11 Sand: fine grained and well sorted; slightly 3.5 17.5 argillaceous, a trace of dark minerals; almost
massive and structureless, appears a little
marbled or bioturbated, sand appears strongly
disrupted during the coring operation;
unconsolidated and competent; pale red
(5R 6/2 to 10R 6/2) to very pale red (10R 7/2);
massive and structureless, appears a little
marbled or bioturbated, sand appears strongly
disrupted during the coring operation;
unconsolidated and competent; pale red
(5R 6/2 to 10R 6/2) to very pale red (10R 7/2);
Bed 12 Clay: silty fine sand along partings; thinly 1.0 21.0
layered; unconsolidated and competent; pale
red purple (5R 6/2) to grayish red purple
(5RP 4/2); overlies core gap:
layered; unconsolidated and competent; pale
red purple (5R 6/2) to grayish red purple
(5RP 4/2); overlies core gap:
Bed 13 Clay: stiff and plastic when moist, almost same 1.0 31.0
as Bed 12; basal 1 inch consists of sand that
is medium to medium/coarse grained and well
sorted; thinly layered; uncertain competence
due to poor core recovery in the above core
run (15% core recovery); the color of the clay
is pale red purple (5RP 6/2) to red purple
RP 5/2); the color of the basal sand is white
(N 9) with moderate reddish brown (10R 4/6)
speckles; very abruptly overlies:
as Bed 12; basal 1 inch consists of sand that
is medium to medium/coarse grained and well
sorted; thinly layered; uncertain competence
due to poor core recovery in the above core
run (15% core recovery); the color of the clay
is pale red purple (5RP 6/2) to red purple
RP 5/2); the color of the basal sand is white
(N 9) with moderate reddish brown (10R 4/6)
speckles; very abruptly overlies:
(41% core recovery)
(41% core recovery)
Bed 14 Sand: fine and grained and well sorted; clayey 9.0 32.0
with clay content increasing down-section, a
trace of dark minerals and mica; massive
bedded but appears marbled or bioturbated,
clay and sand are incompletely mixed; stiff and
plastic when moist, hard and tough when dry,
mostly competent (~89% core recovery); less
weathered than overlying bed, top 1 foot of bed
is more pigmented than the rest of the
underlying bed, color ranges from light
yellowish gray (5Y 8/2) to dark yellowish
gray (5Y 6/2); probably transitional to
the underlying bed; overlies core gap:
CORE GAP: Very poor recovery to 61 feet, only 4 feet of 17.0 41.0
core recovery out of 20 feet drilled;
probably lost mostly sand above the basal
clay and sand.
with clay content increasing down-section, a
trace of dark minerals and mica; massive
bedded but appears marbled or bioturbated,
clay and sand are incompletely mixed; stiff and
plastic when moist, hard and tough when dry,
mostly competent (~89% core recovery); less
weathered than overlying bed, top 1 foot of bed
is more pigmented than the rest of the
underlying bed, color ranges from light
yellowish gray (5Y 8/2) to dark yellowish
gray (5Y 6/2); probably transitional to
the underlying bed; overlies core gap:
CORE GAP: Very poor recovery to 61 feet, only 4 feet of 17.0 41.0
core recovery out of 20 feet drilled;
probably lost mostly sand above the basal
clay and sand.
Bed 15 Clay: slightly and finely sandy; thinly layered; 2.0 58.0
unconsolidated but of uncertain competence
due to poor core recovery (≥30% core recovery);
grades abruptly downward into:
unconsolidated but of uncertain competence
due to poor core recovery (≥30% core recovery);
grades abruptly downward into:
Bed 16 Sand: fine grained and well sorted; slightly 1.0 60.0 argillaceous, wad stains (MnO2) on bedding
planes; cherty, brittle claystone in basal 2
inches; thinly layered; unconsolidated but
competent (100% core recovery); yellowish
gray (5Y 7/2); lithologically transitional to
the underlying bed; grades abruptly
downward into:
planes; cherty, brittle claystone in basal 2
inches; thinly layered; unconsolidated but
competent (100% core recovery); yellowish
gray (5Y 7/2); lithologically transitional to
the underlying bed; grades abruptly
downward into:
Coosawhatchie Formation-equivalent
(34% core recovery)
Coosawhatchie Formation-equivalent
(34% core recovery)
Bed 17 Sand: fine grained, argillaceous; structure less 1.0 61.0
grades downward into:
Bed 18 Clay: siliceous, "opaline claystone" with thin 4.0 62.0
sand layers at the top of the Bed and at ~65
feet, chalky in appearance; clay is massive and
structureless; mostly indurated and competent;
colors range from white (N 9) to yellowish gray
(5Y 8/1); overlies core gap:
CORE GAP Assumed loss in the lower part of the 15 foot 15.0 66.0
run, core recovery consists only of scattered
pieces of bedded claystone and chert
fragments, 2.5 feet of fragments recovered
(~17% fragment recovery); overlies core gap:
CORE GAP 10.5 81.0
grades downward into:
Bed 18 Clay: siliceous, "opaline claystone" with thin 4.0 62.0
sand layers at the top of the Bed and at ~65
feet, chalky in appearance; clay is massive and
structureless; mostly indurated and competent;
colors range from white (N 9) to yellowish gray
(5Y 8/1); overlies core gap:
CORE GAP Assumed loss in the lower part of the 15 foot 15.0 66.0
run, core recovery consists only of scattered
pieces of bedded claystone and chert
fragments, 2.5 feet of fragments recovered
(~17% fragment recovery); overlies core gap:
CORE GAP 10.5 81.0
Bed 19 Clay: interlaminated very fine sand in clay, 4.5 91.5
abundant dark minerals along sand partings;
very delicately stratified (like fuller's earth at
Meigs, Georgia); diatom molds and impressions
in the basal one foot; unconsolidated but of
unknown competence due to poor core
recovery (~28% core recovery in the core run);
weathered appearance, yellowish gray
(5Y 7/2) in color; overlies with abrupt, very
sharp contact but still appears gradational:
abundant dark minerals along sand partings;
very delicately stratified (like fuller's earth at
Meigs, Georgia); diatom molds and impressions
in the basal one foot; unconsolidated but of
unknown competence due to poor core
recovery (~28% core recovery in the core run);
weathered appearance, yellowish gray
(5Y 7/2) in color; overlies with abrupt, very
sharp contact but still appears gradational:
(upper?) Marks Head (Dogtown/Chipola-equivalent?) – 45.5 feet (75% core recovery)
(upper?) Marks Head (Dogtown/Chipola-equivalent?) – 45.5 feet (75% core recovery)
Bed 20 Sand: fine to medium grained and well sorted; 14.0 96.0
argillaceous and slightly pelletal phosphatic;
diatom molds in uppermost 1 foot; bioturbated;
unconsolidated but mostly coherent and
competent (~79% core recovery); greenish gray
(5GY 6/1) to moderate greenish gray (5GY 5/1);
grades downward by decrease in bioturbation
and increase in clay content and clear
stratification into:
argillaceous and slightly pelletal phosphatic;
diatom molds in uppermost 1 foot; bioturbated;
unconsolidated but mostly coherent and
competent (~79% core recovery); greenish gray
(5GY 6/1) to moderate greenish gray (5GY 5/1);
grades downward by decrease in bioturbation
and increase in clay content and clear
stratification into:
Bed 21 Clay: very finely sandy and silty; thinly layered 8.5 110.0
to laminated with sand and silt concentrated
along partings (clay partings commonly
slicken-sided probably due to drilling
operation); unconsolidated and competent
(100% core recovery); clay is dark greenish
gray (5Y 4/1) in color, sand is light gray to
very light gray (N 7 – N 8) to moderate
greenish gray (5GY 7/1); grades downward
to laminated with sand and silt concentrated
along partings (clay partings commonly
slicken-sided probably due to drilling
operation); unconsolidated and competent
(100% core recovery); clay is dark greenish
gray (5Y 4/1) in color, sand is light gray to
very light gray (N 7 – N 8) to moderate
greenish gray (5GY 7/1); grades downward
Bed 22 Sand: fine grained and well sorted; with clay 10.0 118.5
laminae and thin clay layers; except for clay
layering, sand is vaguely and crudely layered;
the more clayey intervals are coherent and
resistant, sand intervals are only moderately
coherent (~55% core recovery); grades
downward by decrease in clay and increase
in bioturbation into:
laminae and thin clay layers; except for clay
layering, sand is vaguely and crudely layered;
the more clayey intervals are coherent and
resistant, sand intervals are only moderately
coherent (~55% core recovery); grades
downward by decrease in clay and increase
in bioturbation into:
Bed 23 Sand: fine to medium grained and well sorted; 8.5 128.5
slightly argillaceous; bioturbated, otherwise
massive in appearance; unconsolidated and
mostly coherent and competent (~78% core
recovery); abruptly but gradationally overlies:
slightly argillaceous; bioturbated, otherwise
massive in appearance; unconsolidated and
mostly coherent and competent (~78% core
recovery); abruptly but gradationally overlies:
Bed 24 Sand: medium to coarse grained and 4.5 137.0
moderately sorted, coarse and poorly sorted
in the basal 1.5 feet; some interstitial clay and
one thin clay layer present; stratified with
cross bedding present, unconsolidated but
coherent and competent (100% core recovery);
abruptly overlies:
moderately sorted, coarse and poorly sorted
in the basal 1.5 feet; some interstitial clay and
one thin clay layer present; stratified with
cross bedding present, unconsolidated but
coherent and competent (100% core recovery);
abruptly overlies:
lower? Marks Head (Torreya/Chipola-equivalent?) – 57.5 feet
(45% core recovery)
(45% core recovery)
Bed 25 Clay: finely sandy, massive and structureless; 8.5 141.5
unconsolidated with slickensided joints,
competent; dark greenish gray (5GY 4/1) to
olive gray (5Y 4/1) to light olive gray (5Y 6/1);
grades downward into:
Bed 26 Sand: fine grained and well sorted; very 1.5 150.0
slightly argillaceous; massive and
structureless; almost incoherent (~19%
core recovery); overlies core gap:
"probably incoherent sand" 11.5 151.5
unconsolidated with slickensided joints,
competent; dark greenish gray (5GY 4/1) to
olive gray (5Y 4/1) to light olive gray (5Y 6/1);
grades downward into:
Bed 26 Sand: fine grained and well sorted; very 1.5 150.0
slightly argillaceous; massive and
structureless; almost incoherent (~19%
core recovery); overlies core gap:
"probably incoherent sand" 11.5 151.5
Bed 27 Clay: finely sandy; massive and 2.0 163.0
structureless; unconsolidated, coherent,
and competent; grades downward into:
Bed 28 Sand: fine grained and well sorted; 6.5 165.0
argillaceous; almost structureless, vaguely
bioturbated and almost homogenized;
unconsolidated, soft and poorly competent
(~35% core recovery); some grayish green
(10GY 5/2) splotches and coloration;
overlies core gap:
“loss at bottom of core run” 9.5 171.5
“assumed loss at top of core run” 13.0 181.0
structureless; unconsolidated, coherent,
and competent; grades downward into:
Bed 28 Sand: fine grained and well sorted; 6.5 165.0
argillaceous; almost structureless, vaguely
bioturbated and almost homogenized;
unconsolidated, soft and poorly competent
(~35% core recovery); some grayish green
(10GY 5/2) splotches and coloration;
overlies core gap:
“loss at bottom of core run” 9.5 171.5
“assumed loss at top of core run” 13.0 181.0
Bed 29 Sand: fine grained and well sorted; 5.0 194.0
argillaceous, clay intraclasts between
~194 and ~195 feet overlying a thin clay
layer at ~195+ feet; partially and grossly
stratified, individual component layers are
structureless; unconsolidated and poorly
coherent and competent (~25% core
recovery), precise depth in core uncertain
due to poor core recovery; disconformably
argillaceous, clay intraclasts between
~194 and ~195 feet overlying a thin clay
layer at ~195+ feet; partially and grossly
stratified, individual component layers are
structureless; unconsolidated and poorly
coherent and competent (~25% core
recovery), precise depth in core uncertain
due to poor core recovery; disconformably
upper Parachucla-equivalent – 42 feet+
(~94 feet thick between Colquitt 9 and Colquitt 5)
upper Parachucla-equivalent – 42 feet+
(~94 feet thick between Colquitt 9 and Colquitt 5)
Bed 30 Dolostone: (hard-ground?) finely sandy, very 4.0 199.0
slightly argillaceous; massive and
structureless; hard, recrystallized and
competent (100% core recovery); yellowish
gray (5Y 8/1) in color; grades downward
Bed 31 Dolostone: finely sandy, argillaceous with 9.0 203.0
increasing clay content below 207 feet; dark
minerals are apparent, mostly massive bedded
with some marbling of clayey dolomite
(bioturbation?) below 207 feet; soft but
moderately competent (~67% core recovery);
yellowish gray (5Y 8/1); abruptly overlies:
Bed 32 Dolostone: finely sandy; massive and 1.0 212.0
structureless; hard, recrystallized and
competent; grades downward into:
Bed 33 Dolostone: argillaceous, finely sandy, 3.0 213.0
dolomitic clay tends to be concentrated in
small lenses or pockets (could be
bioturbation); generally massive except for
clayey concentrations; poorly consolidated
but coherent and competent (100% core
recovery); abruptly overlies:
Bed 34 Dolostone (hard-ground?): finely sandy, 0.75 216.00
massive and structureless; indurated,
recrystallized and competent (100%
core recovery); grades downward into:
slightly argillaceous; massive and
structureless; hard, recrystallized and
competent (100% core recovery); yellowish
gray (5Y 8/1) in color; grades downward
Bed 31 Dolostone: finely sandy, argillaceous with 9.0 203.0
increasing clay content below 207 feet; dark
minerals are apparent, mostly massive bedded
with some marbling of clayey dolomite
(bioturbation?) below 207 feet; soft but
moderately competent (~67% core recovery);
yellowish gray (5Y 8/1); abruptly overlies:
Bed 32 Dolostone: finely sandy; massive and 1.0 212.0
structureless; hard, recrystallized and
competent; grades downward into:
Bed 33 Dolostone: argillaceous, finely sandy, 3.0 213.0
dolomitic clay tends to be concentrated in
small lenses or pockets (could be
bioturbation); generally massive except for
clayey concentrations; poorly consolidated
but coherent and competent (100% core
recovery); abruptly overlies:
Bed 34 Dolostone (hard-ground?): finely sandy, 0.75 216.00
massive and structureless; indurated,
recrystallized and competent (100%
core recovery); grades downward into:
Bed 35 Dolostone: finely sandy, argillaceous, 0.75 216.75
appears to be intraclastic with clayey
intraclasts; sediment is marbled but it is
not clear whether it is bioturbated or
mechanically disrupted; poorly consolidated
but competent (100% core recovery);
grades downward into:
Bed 36 Clay: finely sandy; thinly layered to 0.5 217.5
laminated; unconsolidated but tough,
firm, and competent; dark greenish gray
(5GY 4/1 – 5GY 3/1); grades downward into:
Bed 37 Sandstone: fine grained and well sorted; 6.0 218.0
argillaceous, a few dolostone intraclasts in
the basal 1 foot; massive bedded and
structureless; indurated and competent
(100% core recovery); dark greenish gray
(5GY 4/1); grades downward into:
Bed 38 Sandstone: fine grained and well sorted; 1.0 224.0
dolomitic with a jumble of dolostone
intraclasts in the upper 1 foot, argillaceous;
massive bedded but appears marbled/
bioturbated? indurated and competent;
grades downward into:
Bed 39 Sandstone: fine grained and well sorted; 2.0 225.0
clayey and dolomitic; massive bedded but
marbled (bioturbated?); moderately indurated
and competent; abruptly overlies:
Bed 40 Dolostone: (hard-ground? = hard-ground at 0.5 227.0
220.0 feet, Bed 2 in Colquitt 5); finely sandy;
massive and structureless; indurated, and
competent; grades downward into:
appears to be intraclastic with clayey
intraclasts; sediment is marbled but it is
not clear whether it is bioturbated or
mechanically disrupted; poorly consolidated
but competent (100% core recovery);
grades downward into:
Bed 36 Clay: finely sandy; thinly layered to 0.5 217.5
laminated; unconsolidated but tough,
firm, and competent; dark greenish gray
(5GY 4/1 – 5GY 3/1); grades downward into:
Bed 37 Sandstone: fine grained and well sorted; 6.0 218.0
argillaceous, a few dolostone intraclasts in
the basal 1 foot; massive bedded and
structureless; indurated and competent
(100% core recovery); dark greenish gray
(5GY 4/1); grades downward into:
Bed 38 Sandstone: fine grained and well sorted; 1.0 224.0
dolomitic with a jumble of dolostone
intraclasts in the upper 1 foot, argillaceous;
massive bedded but appears marbled/
bioturbated? indurated and competent;
grades downward into:
Bed 39 Sandstone: fine grained and well sorted; 2.0 225.0
clayey and dolomitic; massive bedded but
marbled (bioturbated?); moderately indurated
and competent; abruptly overlies:
Bed 40 Dolostone: (hard-ground? = hard-ground at 0.5 227.0
220.0 feet, Bed 2 in Colquitt 5); finely sandy;
massive and structureless; indurated, and
competent; grades downward into:
Bed 41 Sand: fine grained and well sorted; clayey, 5.0 227.5
dolomitic; peculiar marbling of sand, clay,
and dolomite, more dolomitic in the upper
part of the Bed, more sandy in lower part;
slightly indurated and competent; abruptly
Bed 42 Dolostone: (hard-ground = hard-ground at 1.0 232.5
225.5 feet in Bed 4 of Colquitt 5); finely
sandy, slightly argillaceous? massive and
structureless; indurated and competent;
grades downward into:
Bed 43 Clay: with abundant clay intraclasts, 2.0 233.5
dolomitic, finely sandy, with a thin clay layer
at ~234.5 feet and a thin dolomitic layer at
~235.0 feet; massive but not structureless,
very crude and diffuse layering;
unconsolidated but coherent and
competent (100% core recovery); grades
downward into:
Bed 44 Sand: fine grained and well sorted; very 3.0 235.5
dolomitic, probably slightly argillaceous;
massive and structureless; unconsolidated
and moderately coherent and competent;
(~50% core recovery); grades downward
Bed 45 Clay: with clay inclusions or possibly 2.0 238.5
intraclasts within the clay, dolomitic; massive
and structureless; waxy but unconsolidated
and competent (100% core recovery); very
dark greenish gray (5GY 3/1); grades
downward by increase in dolomite and fine
sand into:
Bed 46 Dolostone: finely sandy and slightly 0.5 240.5
argillaceous; structureless; indurated and
competent; bottom of core at 241 feet.
dolomitic; peculiar marbling of sand, clay,
and dolomite, more dolomitic in the upper
part of the Bed, more sandy in lower part;
slightly indurated and competent; abruptly
Bed 42 Dolostone: (hard-ground = hard-ground at 1.0 232.5
225.5 feet in Bed 4 of Colquitt 5); finely
sandy, slightly argillaceous? massive and
structureless; indurated and competent;
grades downward into:
Bed 43 Clay: with abundant clay intraclasts, 2.0 233.5
dolomitic, finely sandy, with a thin clay layer
at ~234.5 feet and a thin dolomitic layer at
~235.0 feet; massive but not structureless,
very crude and diffuse layering;
unconsolidated but coherent and
competent (100% core recovery); grades
downward into:
Bed 44 Sand: fine grained and well sorted; very 3.0 235.5
dolomitic, probably slightly argillaceous;
massive and structureless; unconsolidated
and moderately coherent and competent;
(~50% core recovery); grades downward
Bed 45 Clay: with clay inclusions or possibly 2.0 238.5
intraclasts within the clay, dolomitic; massive
and structureless; waxy but unconsolidated
and competent (100% core recovery); very
dark greenish gray (5GY 3/1); grades
downward by increase in dolomite and fine
sand into:
Bed 46 Dolostone: finely sandy and slightly 0.5 240.5
argillaceous; structureless; indurated and
competent; bottom of core at 241 feet.
Logged ca. 1977
COLQUITT 5 (MOULTRIE CORE), GGS-3199; U.S. GYPSUM 76-8 (middle part)
Site of Mobley Plant Farm 9, Colquitt 9
Moultrie 7½’ Quadrangle
Latitude N 31° 13.137'
Longitude W 83° 48.953'
Elev. ~275 Feet
COLQUITT 5 (MOULTRIE CORE), GGS-3199; U.S. GYPSUM 76-8 (middle part)
Site of Mobley Plant Farm 9, Colquitt 9
Moultrie 7½’ Quadrangle
Latitude N 31° 13.137'
Longitude W 83° 48.953'
Elev. ~275 Feet
Lithostratigraphic unit and bed number feet depth
NO CORE 217.0 0.0
NO CORE 217.0 0.0
Upper Parachucla-equivalent – 76 feet+
(~94 feet thick between Colquitt 9 and Colquitt 5)
(99% core recovery)
Bed 47 Sand: intraclastic; fine grained and well 3.0 217.0
sorted; dolomitic and argillaceous;
abundant intraclasts consist of finely
sandy, fine textured, angular to rounded
dolostone pebbles; matrix is generally
massive and structureless and intraclasts
are uniformly distributed; however, Bed
constituents do not appear to be well
homogenized; unconsolidated; but
competent (100% core recovery); matrix
sand is a pale greenish color whereas some
clay concentrations are a deeper greenish
color; abruptly overlies an apparently
hard, scoured surface of:
Bed 48 Dolostone: (hard-ground = hard-ground at 0.5 220.0
220 feet in Bed 2 in Colquitt 5) finely
sandy and well sorted; structureless;
indurated and competent (100% core
recovery); abruptly overlies with irregular
Bed 49 Sand: fine grained and well sorted; 5.0 220.5
argillaceous with somewhat more greenish
clay than the matrix of Bed 47, slightly
dolomitic in the upper part, a layer of
dolostone intraclasts from ~222 to ~223
feet; bioturbated, a poorly mixed sediment;
unconsolidated but mostly competent
(100% core recovery); abruptly overlies
an apparently hard, scoured surface of the
underlying bed, with a thin layer of
dolostone intraclasts of the underlying
dolostone lithology occurring at the base
of the Bed:
Bed 50 Dolostone: (hard-ground = hard-ground at 2.5 225.5
25.5.0 feet, Bed 4, in Colquitt 5); finely
sandy, argillaceous, and intraclastic
(appears as a “dirty” looking, intraclastic
dolostone), more of an intraclastic,
dolomitic sandstone with a few fossil
molds in the basal few inches; generally
massive and structureless; consolidated,
more indurated, and competent than the
dolostone “hard-ground” of Bed 48; grades
downward into:
Upper Parachucla-equivalent – 76 feet+
(~94 feet thick between Colquitt 9 and Colquitt 5)
(99% core recovery)
Bed 47 Sand: intraclastic; fine grained and well 3.0 217.0
sorted; dolomitic and argillaceous;
abundant intraclasts consist of finely
sandy, fine textured, angular to rounded
dolostone pebbles; matrix is generally
massive and structureless and intraclasts
are uniformly distributed; however, Bed
constituents do not appear to be well
homogenized; unconsolidated; but
competent (100% core recovery); matrix
sand is a pale greenish color whereas some
clay concentrations are a deeper greenish
color; abruptly overlies an apparently
hard, scoured surface of:
Bed 48 Dolostone: (hard-ground = hard-ground at 0.5 220.0
220 feet in Bed 2 in Colquitt 5) finely
sandy and well sorted; structureless;
indurated and competent (100% core
recovery); abruptly overlies with irregular
Bed 49 Sand: fine grained and well sorted; 5.0 220.5
argillaceous with somewhat more greenish
clay than the matrix of Bed 47, slightly
dolomitic in the upper part, a layer of
dolostone intraclasts from ~222 to ~223
feet; bioturbated, a poorly mixed sediment;
unconsolidated but mostly competent
(100% core recovery); abruptly overlies
an apparently hard, scoured surface of the
underlying bed, with a thin layer of
dolostone intraclasts of the underlying
dolostone lithology occurring at the base
of the Bed:
Bed 50 Dolostone: (hard-ground = hard-ground at 2.5 225.5
25.5.0 feet, Bed 4, in Colquitt 5); finely
sandy, argillaceous, and intraclastic
(appears as a “dirty” looking, intraclastic
dolostone), more of an intraclastic,
dolomitic sandstone with a few fossil
molds in the basal few inches; generally
massive and structureless; consolidated,
more indurated, and competent than the
dolostone “hard-ground” of Bed 48; grades
downward into:
Bed 51 Sand: intraclastic; matrix sand is fine grained 3.0 228.0
and well sorted; argillaceous and dolomitic;
most of the intraclasts consist of argillaceous,
fine sand, the intraclasts near the bottom of
the Bed consist of hard dolostone; both the
matrix and the intraclasts are bioturbated,
matrix bioturbation is more noticeable and
contains burrows; competent (100% core
recovery); the matrix is distinctly greenish
in color; abruptly overlies:
Bed 52 Dolostone: finely sandy and well sorted, 2.0 231.0
argillaceous; strongly bioturbated, almost to
the point of being completely homogenized;
somewhat indurated and competent (90%
core recovery); grades downward into:
Bed 53 Sand: intraclastic; matrix sand is fine 1.0 233.0
grained and well sorted; argillaceous,
slightly dolomitic; intraclasts consist of
brecciated, chalky dolostone; bioturbated
but less well mixed than overlying bed;
unconsolidated and competent (100% core
recovery); swirls of moderate green colored
sand and pale greenish gray intraclasts
strongly contrast in color; abruptly overlies:
Bed 54 Sand: intraclastic; matrix sand is fine 3.0 234.0
grained and well sorted; argillaceous;
intraclasts consist of dolostone breccia,
few intraclasts occur at the top of the Bed
but increase in abundance downward,
intraclasts dominate over matrix; matrix
is bioturbated, unconsolidated, and
competent; abruptly overlies an irregular,
apparently torn up surface of the
underlying bed:
Bed 55 Clay: (eroded upper contact); no other lithic 1.5 237.0
components noted; massive and
structureless; unconsolidated, veined,
waxy and slickensided but tough and
competent; (100% core recovery); intense
green in color; abruptly overlies:
Bed 56 Sand: somewhat intraclastic; matrix sand is 1.5 238.5
fine grained and well sorted; argillaceous,
dolomitic and fossiliferous; intraclasts are
not abundant and consist of dolostone
breccia; bioturbated, unconsolidated but
competent; abruptly overlies:
Bed 57 Clayey sand/sandy clay: somewhat 10.0 240.0
intraclastic; sand is fine grained and well
sorted; the matrix sand/clay is
nondolomitic, basal 1 foot consists of
coarsely micaceous, fine to medium
grained, clayey sand; intraclasts in the
middle and upper part of the Bed appear
to be mainly dolostone breccia; intraclasts
in the lower part of the Bed are very
minutely brecciated and rounded (“pea-
breccia”) and appear to consist of clay;
burrows are present in the upper I foot
of the Bed;
Generally structureless except for scattered
concentrations of intraclasts; unconsolidated
but firm and competent (100% core recovery);
matrix clay is an intense green color; very
abruptly overlies:
Bed 58 Sand: (fractured and brecciated upper 4.0 250.0
contact); fine grained and well sorted;
dolomitic, probably somewhat argillaceous,
a few, scattered dolostone intraclasts; the
Bed is intensely fractured and broken along
vertical and horizontal cracks, and the
cracks are filled with a darker colored
filling unlike the lithology of the overlying
bed; unconsolidated but firm and competent;
grades abruptly downward into:
Bed 59 Clay: intraclastic and finely sandy; intraclasts 2.0 254.0
appear to consist of finely brecciated and
rounded, small to very small clasts (“pea
breccia”), intraclasts are strung out along
bedding planes in the clay matrix, the
clay being thinly and undulatory layered;
unconsolidated and competent; grades
abruptly downward into:
Bed 60 Clay: intraclastic; matrix consists of very 2.5 256.0
finely sandy clay; intraclasts are small but
appear to consist of dolostone, intraclasts
appear to constitute the bulk of the Bed;
generally massive bedded and structureless;
unconsolidated but very competent;
abruptly overlies:
and well sorted; argillaceous and dolomitic;
most of the intraclasts consist of argillaceous,
fine sand, the intraclasts near the bottom of
the Bed consist of hard dolostone; both the
matrix and the intraclasts are bioturbated,
matrix bioturbation is more noticeable and
contains burrows; competent (100% core
recovery); the matrix is distinctly greenish
in color; abruptly overlies:
Bed 52 Dolostone: finely sandy and well sorted, 2.0 231.0
argillaceous; strongly bioturbated, almost to
the point of being completely homogenized;
somewhat indurated and competent (90%
core recovery); grades downward into:
Bed 53 Sand: intraclastic; matrix sand is fine 1.0 233.0
grained and well sorted; argillaceous,
slightly dolomitic; intraclasts consist of
brecciated, chalky dolostone; bioturbated
but less well mixed than overlying bed;
unconsolidated and competent (100% core
recovery); swirls of moderate green colored
sand and pale greenish gray intraclasts
strongly contrast in color; abruptly overlies:
Bed 54 Sand: intraclastic; matrix sand is fine 3.0 234.0
grained and well sorted; argillaceous;
intraclasts consist of dolostone breccia,
few intraclasts occur at the top of the Bed
but increase in abundance downward,
intraclasts dominate over matrix; matrix
is bioturbated, unconsolidated, and
competent; abruptly overlies an irregular,
apparently torn up surface of the
underlying bed:
Bed 55 Clay: (eroded upper contact); no other lithic 1.5 237.0
components noted; massive and
structureless; unconsolidated, veined,
waxy and slickensided but tough and
competent; (100% core recovery); intense
green in color; abruptly overlies:
Bed 56 Sand: somewhat intraclastic; matrix sand is 1.5 238.5
fine grained and well sorted; argillaceous,
dolomitic and fossiliferous; intraclasts are
not abundant and consist of dolostone
breccia; bioturbated, unconsolidated but
competent; abruptly overlies:
Bed 57 Clayey sand/sandy clay: somewhat 10.0 240.0
intraclastic; sand is fine grained and well
sorted; the matrix sand/clay is
nondolomitic, basal 1 foot consists of
coarsely micaceous, fine to medium
grained, clayey sand; intraclasts in the
middle and upper part of the Bed appear
to be mainly dolostone breccia; intraclasts
in the lower part of the Bed are very
minutely brecciated and rounded (“pea-
breccia”) and appear to consist of clay;
burrows are present in the upper I foot
of the Bed;
Generally structureless except for scattered
concentrations of intraclasts; unconsolidated
but firm and competent (100% core recovery);
matrix clay is an intense green color; very
abruptly overlies:
Bed 58 Sand: (fractured and brecciated upper 4.0 250.0
contact); fine grained and well sorted;
dolomitic, probably somewhat argillaceous,
a few, scattered dolostone intraclasts; the
Bed is intensely fractured and broken along
vertical and horizontal cracks, and the
cracks are filled with a darker colored
filling unlike the lithology of the overlying
bed; unconsolidated but firm and competent;
grades abruptly downward into:
Bed 59 Clay: intraclastic and finely sandy; intraclasts 2.0 254.0
appear to consist of finely brecciated and
rounded, small to very small clasts (“pea
breccia”), intraclasts are strung out along
bedding planes in the clay matrix, the
clay being thinly and undulatory layered;
unconsolidated and competent; grades
abruptly downward into:
Bed 60 Clay: intraclastic; matrix consists of very 2.5 256.0
finely sandy clay; intraclasts are small but
appear to consist of dolostone, intraclasts
appear to constitute the bulk of the Bed;
generally massive bedded and structureless;
unconsolidated but very competent;
abruptly overlies:
Bed 61 Sand: fine grained and well sorted; dolomitic, 1.5 258.5
argillaceous, some intraclasts; appears
massive bedded except for a thin clay layer
at ~259.5 feet; unconsolidated but firm and
competent; grades downward into:
Bed 62 Sand: fine grained and well sorted; dolomitic, 2.0 260.0
slightly argillaceous with some poorly mixed
clay? dolostone intraclasts, and “pea-breccia”,
appears bioturbated; unconsolidated but firm,
coherent, and competent (100% core recovery);
abruptly grades downward into:
Bed 63 Sandy dolostone/dolomitic sand: sand is 8.0 262.0
fine grained and well sorted; dolomite is fine
textured; sand and dolomite are not well
mixed; slightly argillaceous and intraclastic,
intraclasts are scattered but one layer at
~267 feet is conspicuous; sand and
dolomite not well mixed; somewhat
indurated and competent; grades
downward into:
Bed 64 Sandy dolostone/dolomitic sand: more 2.0 270.0
coarsely sandy and more poorly sorted
than the overlying bed, somewhat
argillaceous; scattered, rare, small-fossil
imprints, shark tooth noted at ~272 feet;
massive bedded and structureless;
somewhat indurated and competent;
grades downward into:
Bed 65 Sand: fine to coarse grained and poorly 3.5 272.0
sorted; dolomitic, argillaceous, somewhat
fossiliferous with fossil molds, minor small
intraclasts in basal few inches; massive and
structureless; consolidated, friable and
competent; grades abruptly downward into:
Bed 66 Dolostone: intraclastic, intraclasts consist 3.0 275.5
of both dolostone and clay; sandy, sparsely
fossiliferous, slightly argillaceous; sand is
fine to coarse grained and poorly sorted;
poorly mixed lithic components but very
coarse stratification is evident in that the
top of the Bed is most fossiliferous but the
fossils rapidly diminish downward and the
basal few inches is intraclastic; variably
indurated but competent; abruptly
overlies with sharp contact:
Bed 67 Clay: finely sandy, dolomitic; thinly layered; 1.5 278.5
probably the top of the underlying bed;
unconsolidated and competent; grades
downward into:
Bed 68 Sand: intraclastic and cross bedded; sand 3.0 280.0
matrix is fine grained and well sorted;
slightly argillaceous with a few clay laminae;
“intraclasts” consist either of flattened
dolostone intraclasts or irregular,
dolomitized and broken algal mats laid out
along inclined bedding, horizontally oriented
intraclasts occur in basal few inches of the
bed; consolidated and very competent (100%
core recovery); abruptly overlies:
Bed 69 Dolostone: some intraclasts or inclusions 2.0 283.0
of medium grained sand, that are more
irregularly concentrated or marbled toward
the top of the Bed; finely and irregularly
sandy pockets scattered throughout the
dolostone that appear to be independent
of the intraclasts or inclusions; indurated
and competent; abruptly overlies:
Bed 70 Sand/clay/dolomite; mixture of fine grained 1.0 285.0
sand, dolomitic clay and clayey dolostone
with a few intraclasts thrown into the hodge-
podge; unconsolidated but competent;
grades downward into:
argillaceous, some intraclasts; appears
massive bedded except for a thin clay layer
at ~259.5 feet; unconsolidated but firm and
competent; grades downward into:
Bed 62 Sand: fine grained and well sorted; dolomitic, 2.0 260.0
slightly argillaceous with some poorly mixed
clay? dolostone intraclasts, and “pea-breccia”,
appears bioturbated; unconsolidated but firm,
coherent, and competent (100% core recovery);
abruptly grades downward into:
Bed 63 Sandy dolostone/dolomitic sand: sand is 8.0 262.0
fine grained and well sorted; dolomite is fine
textured; sand and dolomite are not well
mixed; slightly argillaceous and intraclastic,
intraclasts are scattered but one layer at
~267 feet is conspicuous; sand and
dolomite not well mixed; somewhat
indurated and competent; grades
downward into:
Bed 64 Sandy dolostone/dolomitic sand: more 2.0 270.0
coarsely sandy and more poorly sorted
than the overlying bed, somewhat
argillaceous; scattered, rare, small-fossil
imprints, shark tooth noted at ~272 feet;
massive bedded and structureless;
somewhat indurated and competent;
grades downward into:
Bed 65 Sand: fine to coarse grained and poorly 3.5 272.0
sorted; dolomitic, argillaceous, somewhat
fossiliferous with fossil molds, minor small
intraclasts in basal few inches; massive and
structureless; consolidated, friable and
competent; grades abruptly downward into:
Bed 66 Dolostone: intraclastic, intraclasts consist 3.0 275.5
of both dolostone and clay; sandy, sparsely
fossiliferous, slightly argillaceous; sand is
fine to coarse grained and poorly sorted;
poorly mixed lithic components but very
coarse stratification is evident in that the
top of the Bed is most fossiliferous but the
fossils rapidly diminish downward and the
basal few inches is intraclastic; variably
indurated but competent; abruptly
overlies with sharp contact:
Bed 67 Clay: finely sandy, dolomitic; thinly layered; 1.5 278.5
probably the top of the underlying bed;
unconsolidated and competent; grades
downward into:
Bed 68 Sand: intraclastic and cross bedded; sand 3.0 280.0
matrix is fine grained and well sorted;
slightly argillaceous with a few clay laminae;
“intraclasts” consist either of flattened
dolostone intraclasts or irregular,
dolomitized and broken algal mats laid out
along inclined bedding, horizontally oriented
intraclasts occur in basal few inches of the
bed; consolidated and very competent (100%
core recovery); abruptly overlies:
Bed 69 Dolostone: some intraclasts or inclusions 2.0 283.0
of medium grained sand, that are more
irregularly concentrated or marbled toward
the top of the Bed; finely and irregularly
sandy pockets scattered throughout the
dolostone that appear to be independent
of the intraclasts or inclusions; indurated
and competent; abruptly overlies:
Bed 70 Sand/clay/dolomite; mixture of fine grained 1.0 285.0
sand, dolomitic clay and clayey dolostone
with a few intraclasts thrown into the hodge-
podge; unconsolidated but competent;
grades downward into:
Bed 70 Sand/clay/dolomite; mixture of fine grained 1.0 285.0
sand, dolomitic clay and clayey dolostone
with a few intraclasts thrown into the hodge-
podge; unconsolidated but competent;
grades downward into:
Bed 71 Dolomitic clay/clayey dolostone: intraclastic; 1.0 286.0
finely brecciated clay in a dolomitic clay/
clayey dolostone matrix; basically, the lower
part of Bed 62; massive bedded;
unconsolidated but tough and competent;
abruptly overlies:
Bed 72 Clay: finely sandy with sand content 3.5 287.0
increasing downward, no other lithic
components noted; clay is massive bedded
and structureless; tough and very competent;
intense greenish color; abruptly overlies the
scoured surface of:
Bed 73 Dolostone: finely sandy and argillaceous 2.5 290.5
with clay content increasing downward, some
scattered intraclasts at the base of the Bed;
structureless; the dolostone is less
consolidated toward the base of the bed but
still competent (100% core recovery);
abruptly overlies the scoured surface of:
Lower Parachucla-equivalent – 103.5 feet
(~98% core recovery)
Bed 74 Dolostone (hard-ground): finely sandy, some 0.5 293.0
intraclasts or inclusions and burrows;
structureless; indurated and competent;
grades downward into:
Bed 75 Sandy dolostone/dolomitic sand: quartz sand 4.0 293.5
is fine grained and well sorted; trace of
phosphate? a few scattered, small burrows,
and some clay laminae; very thinly and
intricately stratified with lenticular bedding
and cross-bedding? somewhat indurated,
recrystallized and mostly competent
(~87% core recovery);
Dolomite more sucrosic and tan colored
below ~296.5 feet;
Clayey laminae at ~296.5 to ~297 feet;
Grades downward into:
Bed 76 Sand; fine to medium grained and moderately 2.5 297.5
well sorted; very dolomitic, slightly
argillaceous, rare intraclasts; sediment is
poorly mixed and bioturbated; somewhat
indurated, recrystallized and competent;
grades downward into:
Bed 77 Dolostone: dense, silty gray dolostone with 1.0 300.0
some inclusions of granular, porous
(degraded fossil molds?); structureless;
indurated, dense and competent; grades
downward into:
Bed 78 Dolostone: fossil moldic, variably finely sandy 1.0 301.0
and silty with undulatory or lenticular
bedding; sand and dolomite not well mixed
but massive bedded; indurated and
competent; grades downward into:
Bed 79 Dolostone: fine textured; finely sandy/silty, 1.5 302.0
and slightly phosphatic; slightly bioturbated
and massive bedded; fairly dense, indurated,
and competent; cream/buff in color; grades
downward into:
Bed 80 Dolostone: mostly as above but richly moldic 4.25 303.5
with molluscan fossil molds; less sand and
also, a peculiar, horizontal, tubular, spirally
ornamented fossil (annelid?) in basal one
basal foot; mostly massive and
structureless; indurated and competent;
grades downward into:
sand, dolomitic clay and clayey dolostone
with a few intraclasts thrown into the hodge-
podge; unconsolidated but competent;
grades downward into:
Bed 71 Dolomitic clay/clayey dolostone: intraclastic; 1.0 286.0
finely brecciated clay in a dolomitic clay/
clayey dolostone matrix; basically, the lower
part of Bed 62; massive bedded;
unconsolidated but tough and competent;
abruptly overlies:
Bed 72 Clay: finely sandy with sand content 3.5 287.0
increasing downward, no other lithic
components noted; clay is massive bedded
and structureless; tough and very competent;
intense greenish color; abruptly overlies the
scoured surface of:
Bed 73 Dolostone: finely sandy and argillaceous 2.5 290.5
with clay content increasing downward, some
scattered intraclasts at the base of the Bed;
structureless; the dolostone is less
consolidated toward the base of the bed but
still competent (100% core recovery);
abruptly overlies the scoured surface of:
Lower Parachucla-equivalent – 103.5 feet
(~98% core recovery)
Bed 74 Dolostone (hard-ground): finely sandy, some 0.5 293.0
intraclasts or inclusions and burrows;
structureless; indurated and competent;
grades downward into:
Bed 75 Sandy dolostone/dolomitic sand: quartz sand 4.0 293.5
is fine grained and well sorted; trace of
phosphate? a few scattered, small burrows,
and some clay laminae; very thinly and
intricately stratified with lenticular bedding
and cross-bedding? somewhat indurated,
recrystallized and mostly competent
(~87% core recovery);
Dolomite more sucrosic and tan colored
below ~296.5 feet;
Clayey laminae at ~296.5 to ~297 feet;
Grades downward into:
Bed 76 Sand; fine to medium grained and moderately 2.5 297.5
well sorted; very dolomitic, slightly
argillaceous, rare intraclasts; sediment is
poorly mixed and bioturbated; somewhat
indurated, recrystallized and competent;
grades downward into:
Bed 77 Dolostone: dense, silty gray dolostone with 1.0 300.0
some inclusions of granular, porous
(degraded fossil molds?); structureless;
indurated, dense and competent; grades
downward into:
Bed 78 Dolostone: fossil moldic, variably finely sandy 1.0 301.0
and silty with undulatory or lenticular
bedding; sand and dolomite not well mixed
but massive bedded; indurated and
competent; grades downward into:
Bed 79 Dolostone: fine textured; finely sandy/silty, 1.5 302.0
and slightly phosphatic; slightly bioturbated
and massive bedded; fairly dense, indurated,
and competent; cream/buff in color; grades
downward into:
Bed 80 Dolostone: mostly as above but richly moldic 4.25 303.5
with molluscan fossil molds; less sand and
also, a peculiar, horizontal, tubular, spirally
ornamented fossil (annelid?) in basal one
basal foot; mostly massive and
structureless; indurated and competent;
grades downward into:
Bed 81 Dolostone: very irregular inclusions or 1.25 307.75 intraclasts of gray, phosphatic, fossiliferous
dolostone in fossiliferous, finely sandy
dolostone matrix; no apparent sedimentary
structureless; indurated and competent
(100% core recovery); grades broadly
downward into:
Bed 82 Sand: fine/medium grained, appears to 3.5 309.0
coarsen downward; very dolomitic; vaguely
and crudely bedded; tough and competent;
abruptly overlies the scoured surface of the
underlying bed, intraclasts of the underlying
dolostone occur in lag layer at base of the
Bed 83 Dolostone (hard-ground, irregular surface 2.0 312.5
and scoured at the top): very fine textured,
slightly silty/finely sandy, sand component
increases and coarsens downward; some
burrows with filling of sandy, slightly
phosphatic matrix; a few intraclasts;
vaguely bioturbated in upper part of the
Bed with bioturbation becoming more
distinct downward; indurated, dense and
competent; grades downward into:
Bed 84 Very sandy dolostone/very dolomitic sand: 4.0 314.5
sand component is fine/medium grained
and well sorted; slightly argillaceous and
pelletal phosphatic, a few rare, small shell
fragments; more distinctly bioturbated
than overlying bed; consolidated and
competent; abruptly overlies scoured
surface of the underlying bed, intraclasts
of underlying sand/sandstone occur in a
lag layer at the base of the Bed:
Bed 85 Sand: (irregular upper surface and scoured 3.0 318.5
at the top) fine/medium grained and well
sorted, sand size and content decreases
downward; intraclasts consist of finely
sandy dolostone; dolomitic with downward
increasing dolomite content; phosphatic,
probably a trace of clay minerals and a
possible trace of finely disseminated pyrite
dust; distinctly bioturbated and competent;
grades downward into:
Bed 86 Dolostone: intraclastic with more intraclasts 1.5 321.5
than the overlying bed; more dolomitic and
less sandy than overlying bed, also the sand
component is finer grained and more silty
than the overlying bed; thinly layered and
undulatory or lenticular bedded, matrix
between bedding planes is still prominently
bioturbated; indurated and competent;
grades downward into:
Bed 87 Dolostone: more intraclastic than overlying 4.0 323.0
bed, more coarsely sandy (fine/medium
grained), more pyritic and phosphatic and
fossiliferous with molluscan molds;
bioturbated and competent; grades
downward into:
Bed 88 Dolostone: similar to above bed but finer 2.5 327.0
textured and finer grained sand;
phosphatic, lenses or inclusions of small
mollusk molds, some intraclasts that are
also somewhat moldic; consolidated, friable
and competent; grades downward into:
Bed 89 Dolostone: finely sandy and phosphatic, 3.0 329.5
probably a trace of clay minerals; very
intraclastic with shelly, moldic intraclasts as
above, more clay sediment adjacent to
intraclasts, intraclasts are less sandy than
the matrix dolostone; mostly structureless,
too many intraclasts to see any sedimentary
structures; indurated and competent;
grades downward into:
Bed 90 Dolostone: approximately equigranular, “salt 19.5 332.5
and pepper” spotted (“pepper” spots probably
due to pyrite), sandy, perhaps slightly
phosphatic and argillaceous, somewhat
fossiliferous and very finely moldic, less
distinctly, small microfossils near the
base of the Bed; massive bedded but has
crude, bioturbated appearance;
indurated and competent (100% core
recovery); grades downward into:
dolostone in fossiliferous, finely sandy
dolostone matrix; no apparent sedimentary
structureless; indurated and competent
(100% core recovery); grades broadly
downward into:
Bed 82 Sand: fine/medium grained, appears to 3.5 309.0
coarsen downward; very dolomitic; vaguely
and crudely bedded; tough and competent;
abruptly overlies the scoured surface of the
underlying bed, intraclasts of the underlying
dolostone occur in lag layer at base of the
Bed 83 Dolostone (hard-ground, irregular surface 2.0 312.5
and scoured at the top): very fine textured,
slightly silty/finely sandy, sand component
increases and coarsens downward; some
burrows with filling of sandy, slightly
phosphatic matrix; a few intraclasts;
vaguely bioturbated in upper part of the
Bed with bioturbation becoming more
distinct downward; indurated, dense and
competent; grades downward into:
Bed 84 Very sandy dolostone/very dolomitic sand: 4.0 314.5
sand component is fine/medium grained
and well sorted; slightly argillaceous and
pelletal phosphatic, a few rare, small shell
fragments; more distinctly bioturbated
than overlying bed; consolidated and
competent; abruptly overlies scoured
surface of the underlying bed, intraclasts
of underlying sand/sandstone occur in a
lag layer at the base of the Bed:
Bed 85 Sand: (irregular upper surface and scoured 3.0 318.5
at the top) fine/medium grained and well
sorted, sand size and content decreases
downward; intraclasts consist of finely
sandy dolostone; dolomitic with downward
increasing dolomite content; phosphatic,
probably a trace of clay minerals and a
possible trace of finely disseminated pyrite
dust; distinctly bioturbated and competent;
grades downward into:
Bed 86 Dolostone: intraclastic with more intraclasts 1.5 321.5
than the overlying bed; more dolomitic and
less sandy than overlying bed, also the sand
component is finer grained and more silty
than the overlying bed; thinly layered and
undulatory or lenticular bedded, matrix
between bedding planes is still prominently
bioturbated; indurated and competent;
grades downward into:
Bed 87 Dolostone: more intraclastic than overlying 4.0 323.0
bed, more coarsely sandy (fine/medium
grained), more pyritic and phosphatic and
fossiliferous with molluscan molds;
bioturbated and competent; grades
downward into:
Bed 88 Dolostone: similar to above bed but finer 2.5 327.0
textured and finer grained sand;
phosphatic, lenses or inclusions of small
mollusk molds, some intraclasts that are
also somewhat moldic; consolidated, friable
and competent; grades downward into:
Bed 89 Dolostone: finely sandy and phosphatic, 3.0 329.5
probably a trace of clay minerals; very
intraclastic with shelly, moldic intraclasts as
above, more clay sediment adjacent to
intraclasts, intraclasts are less sandy than
the matrix dolostone; mostly structureless,
too many intraclasts to see any sedimentary
structures; indurated and competent;
grades downward into:
Bed 90 Dolostone: approximately equigranular, “salt 19.5 332.5
and pepper” spotted (“pepper” spots probably
due to pyrite), sandy, perhaps slightly
phosphatic and argillaceous, somewhat
fossiliferous and very finely moldic, less
distinctly, small microfossils near the
base of the Bed; massive bedded but has
crude, bioturbated appearance;
indurated and competent (100% core
recovery); grades downward into:
Bed 91 Dolostone: as above but more coarsely 3.0 352.0
fossiliferous, more pyritic and more
phosphatic; the above lithic components
increase in frequency downward; massive
bedded; dolostone is distinctly harder and
more recrystallized than overlying beds;
competent; abruptly overlies the scoured
and bored surface of:
Bed 92 Limestone: (hard-ground, bored surface 10.0 355.0
with a thin cap of dolostone); intraclastic
gray and white limestone, generally a
jumbled, chaotic mess – white limestone
appears as a matrix between and within
gray limestone, white/gray color cuts
across shells, white limestone also tends
to be more dolomitic; matrix limestone is
sandy, phosphatic, fossiliferous and
slightly dolomitic with scattered small
dolomitized zones; massive and
structureless; indurated and competent;
grades broadly downward into:
Bed 93 Sand: fine to fine/medium grained and well 17.0 365.0
sorted; dolomitic, “salt and pepper” –
“pepper” probably consists of pyrite, trace
of phosphate, some vague mollusk fragment
impressions, rare “burrows” and some
dolostone intraclasts, probably a trace of
clay minerals; somewhat bioturbated
in upper part, well stratified in the middle
part of the Bed, and crudely layered and
slightly bioturbated in the lower part;
indurated and very competent (100% core
Good stratification below ~372 feet;
Some dolomite filled burrows at ~375 to ~376 feet;
Intraclastic from ~375 to ~378 feet;
Medium to medium/coarse sand, very
crudely bedded, somewhat bioturbated,
and friable below ~378 feet;
Black, phosphatic “intraclast” lag (fossil
bone?) at the base of the Bed;
Abruptly overlies the uneven and apparently
scoured surface of underlying bed;
Bed 94 Dolostone: (hard-ground), intraclastic 3.5 382.0
(similar to overlying limestone in Bed 93
except matrix is dolostone and not
limestone, and the Bed is more
intraclastic; finely sandy but becoming
less sandy downward; phosphatic,
and with fossil molds; massive bedded and
no apparent sedimentary structures;
competent; grades downward into:
Bed 95 Dolostone: sucrosic and tan, some degraded 5.5 385.5
fossil molds in the upper part, no detectable
quartz sand component, larger intraclasts in
the upper part, pea-size intraclasts in the
lower part, very intraclastic lag at base of Bed;
appears massive and structureless except for
basal lag; indurated, recrystallized and
competent; abruptly overlies:
Bed 96 Dolostone: sucrosic, tan/brown color with 5.5 391.0
black coating (MnO2?); abundant fractures
(very “rotten” appearance); vaguely layered;
hard, dense and competent (100% core
recovery); disconformably overlies:
OKAPILCO LIMESTONE – 139 feet Bucatunna-equivalent
(~72% core recovery)
Bed 97 Limestone: deeply degraded (“rotten”), with 0.5 396.5 joints, and wavy, horizontal, solution planes
coated with a dark or black material (MnO2?);
structureless and with uncertain thickness
and competence due to moderate core
recovery in the cored interval; overlies:
Bed 98 Limestone: irregularly granular, rough and 85.5 397.0
ragged textured, finely bioclastic with
scattered and abundant colonial coral
heads; scattered occurrences of
Lepidocyclina and the smaller foraminifera
Pararotalia mexicana; massive bedded and
structureless; mostly recrystallized but
patches of unconsolidated calcarenite
present, moderately competent (~65%
core recovery); generally very light gray
(N8) in color;
Coral head at ~ 400 feet;
Lepidocyclina at ~409 feet;
Pararotalia mexicana at ~420 feet
More coral heads below ~421 feet;
From ~428 feet to ~435 feet the limestone
consists of a sort of framework of dense,
indurated, recrystallized granular limestone
and more porous, less recrystallized limestone
and granular porous limestone occurs in
patches surrounded by denser limestone,
can tell little about the origin of granular
material, probably a lot of micrite originally
present; in general, it appears that this
interval may consist originally of soft,
granular, unconsolidated, intraclastic
limestone within a matrix of finer grained,
more muddy, granular calcitic material;
Coral heads become abundant below ~441 feet;
Rare, scattered molluscan molds below ~445 feet;
Pararotalia mexicana at ~448 feet;
Massive bedded and chalky, all original
coralline carbonate material gone below
about ~450 feet;
No core from ~471 feet to ~475 feet;
Fewer corals, less fossiliferous, less
porous, more micritic and chalky below ~475 feet;
Variably hard and indurated zone from ~481.5
to ~482.0 feet;
Grades downward into:
Bed 99 Dolostone; calcareous, with some dolomitic 3.5 482.5
limestone; both calcitic dolostone and
dolomitic limestone are sucrosic; scattered
and degraded fossil molds; crudely
stratified between dolostone and dolomitic
limestone; recrystallized and competent
(100% core recovery); tan in color; grades
downward into:
Bed 100 Limestone: similar to the dolomitic limestone 4.0 486.0
of the overlying bed but lithologically
consistent; sucrosic and dolomitic with some
scattered, degraded fossil molds; massive and
structureless; recrystallized, porous and
competent; grades downward into:
fossiliferous, more pyritic and more
phosphatic; the above lithic components
increase in frequency downward; massive
bedded; dolostone is distinctly harder and
more recrystallized than overlying beds;
competent; abruptly overlies the scoured
and bored surface of:
Bed 92 Limestone: (hard-ground, bored surface 10.0 355.0
with a thin cap of dolostone); intraclastic
gray and white limestone, generally a
jumbled, chaotic mess – white limestone
appears as a matrix between and within
gray limestone, white/gray color cuts
across shells, white limestone also tends
to be more dolomitic; matrix limestone is
sandy, phosphatic, fossiliferous and
slightly dolomitic with scattered small
dolomitized zones; massive and
structureless; indurated and competent;
grades broadly downward into:
Bed 93 Sand: fine to fine/medium grained and well 17.0 365.0
sorted; dolomitic, “salt and pepper” –
“pepper” probably consists of pyrite, trace
of phosphate, some vague mollusk fragment
impressions, rare “burrows” and some
dolostone intraclasts, probably a trace of
clay minerals; somewhat bioturbated
in upper part, well stratified in the middle
part of the Bed, and crudely layered and
slightly bioturbated in the lower part;
indurated and very competent (100% core
Good stratification below ~372 feet;
Some dolomite filled burrows at ~375 to ~376 feet;
Intraclastic from ~375 to ~378 feet;
Medium to medium/coarse sand, very
crudely bedded, somewhat bioturbated,
and friable below ~378 feet;
Black, phosphatic “intraclast” lag (fossil
bone?) at the base of the Bed;
Abruptly overlies the uneven and apparently
scoured surface of underlying bed;
Bed 94 Dolostone: (hard-ground), intraclastic 3.5 382.0
(similar to overlying limestone in Bed 93
except matrix is dolostone and not
limestone, and the Bed is more
intraclastic; finely sandy but becoming
less sandy downward; phosphatic,
and with fossil molds; massive bedded and
no apparent sedimentary structures;
competent; grades downward into:
Bed 95 Dolostone: sucrosic and tan, some degraded 5.5 385.5
fossil molds in the upper part, no detectable
quartz sand component, larger intraclasts in
the upper part, pea-size intraclasts in the
lower part, very intraclastic lag at base of Bed;
appears massive and structureless except for
basal lag; indurated, recrystallized and
competent; abruptly overlies:
Bed 96 Dolostone: sucrosic, tan/brown color with 5.5 391.0
black coating (MnO2?); abundant fractures
(very “rotten” appearance); vaguely layered;
hard, dense and competent (100% core
recovery); disconformably overlies:
OKAPILCO LIMESTONE – 139 feet Bucatunna-equivalent
(~72% core recovery)
Bed 97 Limestone: deeply degraded (“rotten”), with 0.5 396.5 joints, and wavy, horizontal, solution planes
coated with a dark or black material (MnO2?);
structureless and with uncertain thickness
and competence due to moderate core
recovery in the cored interval; overlies:
Bed 98 Limestone: irregularly granular, rough and 85.5 397.0
ragged textured, finely bioclastic with
scattered and abundant colonial coral
heads; scattered occurrences of
Lepidocyclina and the smaller foraminifera
Pararotalia mexicana; massive bedded and
structureless; mostly recrystallized but
patches of unconsolidated calcarenite
present, moderately competent (~65%
core recovery); generally very light gray
(N8) in color;
Coral head at ~ 400 feet;
Lepidocyclina at ~409 feet;
Pararotalia mexicana at ~420 feet
More coral heads below ~421 feet;
From ~428 feet to ~435 feet the limestone
consists of a sort of framework of dense,
indurated, recrystallized granular limestone
and more porous, less recrystallized limestone
and granular porous limestone occurs in
patches surrounded by denser limestone,
can tell little about the origin of granular
material, probably a lot of micrite originally
present; in general, it appears that this
interval may consist originally of soft,
granular, unconsolidated, intraclastic
limestone within a matrix of finer grained,
more muddy, granular calcitic material;
Coral heads become abundant below ~441 feet;
Rare, scattered molluscan molds below ~445 feet;
Pararotalia mexicana at ~448 feet;
Massive bedded and chalky, all original
coralline carbonate material gone below
about ~450 feet;
No core from ~471 feet to ~475 feet;
Fewer corals, less fossiliferous, less
porous, more micritic and chalky below ~475 feet;
Variably hard and indurated zone from ~481.5
to ~482.0 feet;
Grades downward into:
Bed 99 Dolostone; calcareous, with some dolomitic 3.5 482.5
limestone; both calcitic dolostone and
dolomitic limestone are sucrosic; scattered
and degraded fossil molds; crudely
stratified between dolostone and dolomitic
limestone; recrystallized and competent
(100% core recovery); tan in color; grades
downward into:
Bed 100 Limestone: similar to the dolomitic limestone 4.0 486.0
of the overlying bed but lithologically
consistent; sucrosic and dolomitic with some
scattered, degraded fossil molds; massive and
structureless; recrystallized, porous and
competent; grades downward into:
Bed 101 Limestone: very chalky and micritic; mollusk 16.0 490.0 molds are not as conspicuous as the
overlying beds but colonial coral molds are
common to abundant; limestone appears to
be more degraded than overlying beds;
massive and structureless; recrystallized,
porous, and moderately competent (~56%
core recovery); grades downward into:
Bed 102 Limestone: moderately micritic, somewhat 7.0 506.0
chalky, preservation improves and generally
more fossiliferous: colonial coral-rich,
frequent Lepidocyclina, and rare to frequent
Nummulites, stony algae probably present;
massive and structureless; less recrystallized
than the overlying bed but still porous and
competent; grades downward into:
Bed 103 Limestone: micritic, less porous, still basically 2.0 513.0
calcarenitic, irregularly granular and finely
bioclastic; massive and structureless;
somewhat more indurated, recrystallized and
still competent; grades downward into:
Bed 104 Dolostone: sucrosic; fossiliferous with 2.0 515.0
impressions of corals; massive and
structureless; indurated, recrystallized and
competent; tan in color; grades downward
Bed 105 Limestone: similar to Bed 103 but more 1.5 517.0
dolomitic and no fossils noted; overlies
CAVITY 1.0 518.5
Bed 106 Dolostone: similar to Bed 104; grades 2.0 519.5
downward into:
Bed 107 Limestone: chalky, micritic, porous, 8.0 521.5
probably mainly coralline or at least with
common to abundant corals, Nummulites
noted at ~525 feet; algae also may be an
important component - cannot tell, matrix
is still irregularly granular, finely bioclastic;
massive and structureless; at least partially
recrystallized and competent (100% core
recovery); very dense in the basal 1 foot;
grades broadly downward into:
Bed 108 Dolostone: sucrosic; fossiliferous with corals, 5.5 529.5
mollusks and possible Lepidocyclina molds in
the lower part of the Bed, the upper part of
the Bed is massive and structureless, the
lower part is stratified; indurated, dense and
competent; brown in color (like the color of
brown sugar); small carbonate intraclasts in
the basal ½ foot (lag deposit); very abruptly
WOLF PIT DOLOSTONE - 84 feet (~99% core recovery)
Bed 109 Limestone (hard-ground): upper contact 1.5 535.0
is irregular with overlying breccia or
intraclasts (nature of contact and overlying
and underlying beds indicate a minor
diastem rather than a disconformity);
somewhat dolomitic and fossiliferous with
molds of mollusks and Lepidocyclina,
colonial corals are rare; massive and
structureless; recrystallized, dense and
competent; grades downward into:
Bed 110 Dolostone: sucrosic; some calcareous, 21.5 536.5
non-dolomitized intervals; scattered
occurrences of selenite; fossiliferous –
frequent to common Lepidocyclina,
scattered Nummulites, mollusks, and
corals identified, all moldic; mostly
massive and structureless but with a
few layered intervals; indurated and
competent (100% core recovery); tan
in color;
Molds of Nummulites, large Lepidocyclina,
and other unidentifiable fossil molds at ~537 feet;
Crude layering and some calcitic intervals
from ~539 to ~541 feet;
Massive, intragranular selenite in optical
continuity within the core from ~541 to
~543 feet;
Common to abundant Lepidocyclina molds
below ~543 feet;
A scallop mold at ~544 feet;
Lepidocyclina molds are generally small
below ~546 feet;
Scattered rare mollusks at ~547 feet;
Less recrystallized and fossiliferous below ~548.5 feet;
Some thin, non-dolomitized layers between ~550 and ~551.5 feet;
Molds of Lepidocyclina, mollusks and corals at ~552 feet;
Minor selenite in optical continuity within
the core at ~556 feet;
Grades downward into:
overlying beds but colonial coral molds are
common to abundant; limestone appears to
be more degraded than overlying beds;
massive and structureless; recrystallized,
porous, and moderately competent (~56%
core recovery); grades downward into:
Bed 102 Limestone: moderately micritic, somewhat 7.0 506.0
chalky, preservation improves and generally
more fossiliferous: colonial coral-rich,
frequent Lepidocyclina, and rare to frequent
Nummulites, stony algae probably present;
massive and structureless; less recrystallized
than the overlying bed but still porous and
competent; grades downward into:
Bed 103 Limestone: micritic, less porous, still basically 2.0 513.0
calcarenitic, irregularly granular and finely
bioclastic; massive and structureless;
somewhat more indurated, recrystallized and
still competent; grades downward into:
Bed 104 Dolostone: sucrosic; fossiliferous with 2.0 515.0
impressions of corals; massive and
structureless; indurated, recrystallized and
competent; tan in color; grades downward
Bed 105 Limestone: similar to Bed 103 but more 1.5 517.0
dolomitic and no fossils noted; overlies
CAVITY 1.0 518.5
Bed 106 Dolostone: similar to Bed 104; grades 2.0 519.5
downward into:
Bed 107 Limestone: chalky, micritic, porous, 8.0 521.5
probably mainly coralline or at least with
common to abundant corals, Nummulites
noted at ~525 feet; algae also may be an
important component - cannot tell, matrix
is still irregularly granular, finely bioclastic;
massive and structureless; at least partially
recrystallized and competent (100% core
recovery); very dense in the basal 1 foot;
grades broadly downward into:
Bed 108 Dolostone: sucrosic; fossiliferous with corals, 5.5 529.5
mollusks and possible Lepidocyclina molds in
the lower part of the Bed, the upper part of
the Bed is massive and structureless, the
lower part is stratified; indurated, dense and
competent; brown in color (like the color of
brown sugar); small carbonate intraclasts in
the basal ½ foot (lag deposit); very abruptly
WOLF PIT DOLOSTONE - 84 feet (~99% core recovery)
Bed 109 Limestone (hard-ground): upper contact 1.5 535.0
is irregular with overlying breccia or
intraclasts (nature of contact and overlying
and underlying beds indicate a minor
diastem rather than a disconformity);
somewhat dolomitic and fossiliferous with
molds of mollusks and Lepidocyclina,
colonial corals are rare; massive and
structureless; recrystallized, dense and
competent; grades downward into:
Bed 110 Dolostone: sucrosic; some calcareous, 21.5 536.5
non-dolomitized intervals; scattered
occurrences of selenite; fossiliferous –
frequent to common Lepidocyclina,
scattered Nummulites, mollusks, and
corals identified, all moldic; mostly
massive and structureless but with a
few layered intervals; indurated and
competent (100% core recovery); tan
in color;
Molds of Nummulites, large Lepidocyclina,
and other unidentifiable fossil molds at ~537 feet;
Crude layering and some calcitic intervals
from ~539 to ~541 feet;
Massive, intragranular selenite in optical
continuity within the core from ~541 to
~543 feet;
Common to abundant Lepidocyclina molds
below ~543 feet;
A scallop mold at ~544 feet;
Lepidocyclina molds are generally small
below ~546 feet;
Scattered rare mollusks at ~547 feet;
Less recrystallized and fossiliferous below ~548.5 feet;
Some thin, non-dolomitized layers between ~550 and ~551.5 feet;
Molds of Lepidocyclina, mollusks and corals at ~552 feet;
Minor selenite in optical continuity within
the core at ~556 feet;
Grades downward into:
Bed 111 Dolostone, calcareous; fine to medium 5.5 558.0
textured and sucrosic; some gray, very
irregular shaped, calcareous inclusions/
intraclasts; fossiliferous with frequent to
common small molds of Lepidocyclina and
possible, rare, degraded Nummulites molds,
a few delicate mollusk molds and
bryozoans; mostly massive and
structureless but with some bioturbation
and stratification noted; dolostone is well
indurated and competent but has some
secondary porosity (100% core recovery);
tan in color;
Thin layering between ~558 and ~559 feet;
Frequent to common small molds of
Lepidocyclina, a few delicate mollusks and
bryozoans at ~560 feet;
Dolomitic intraclasts at ~560 to ~561 feet,
some bioturbation;
Small degraded molds of Nummulites? below ~562 feet;
Grades downward into:
Bed 112 Dolostone: sucrosic, fine to medium textured; 9.0 563.5
fossiliferous with conspicuous, moderate-
size Lepidocyclina molds; somewhat
bioturbated; well indurated and competent
with moderate secondary porosity; tan to
tan/brown in color;
Very irregular shaped, gray, calcitic
intraclasts/inclusions at ~563 to ~565 feet;
Some sort of burrow or calcareous tube at ~564 feet;
Lepidocyclina molds increase in abundance below ~566 feet;
Lepidocyclina molds decreases below ~572 feet;
Grades broadly downward by both vertical
and horizontal lithology change into;
Bed 113 Dolostone: sucrosic and fine textured; mostly 8.5 572.5
nonfossiliferous to poorly fossiliferous, some
secondary porosity could be obliterated fossil
molds; bioturbated to undulatory and
lenticular bedded with some “bedding”
defined by dark brown “layer” coloration;
indurated, dense, friable and competent;
tannish brown colored;
Some Lepidocyclina molds at ~576.5 feet;
Some mollusk molds reoccur below ~578.5 feet;
Core sheared and fragmented from ~579 to ~581 feet;
Calcareous dolostone “inclusion” at ~580 feet;
Grades downward into:
Bed 114 Dolostone: interlayered: 1) fine textured and 11.5 581.0
bioturbated dolostone and 2) coarse,
originally irregular, granular, finely
bioclastic dolostone; interlayering that
appears prominent is crude and mainly
interlenticular; texture generally coarsens
downward whereas bioturbation decreases
downward; poorly fossiliferous; indurated
and competent (100% core recovery);
dark tan to light brown in color;
Fossil molds reoccur blow ~587 feet;
Lepidocyclina molds reoccur and increase
in number below ~590 feet;
Grades downward into:
Bed 115 Dolostone: some irregular, gray, calcareous, 3.5 592.5
dolostone inclusions (possibly very irregular
algal balls), some dark, undulatory
inclusions (pyritic? wad? {MnO2?}), many
“rust” spots; more fossiliferous than
overlying bed, a few fossil bone fragments,
generally massive and structureless
but with the appearance of very crude
layering; Bed is dense, indurated, and
competent (100% core recovery);
Concentration of dark material between ~593.5 and ~595.5 feet;
Common “rust spots” between ~594 and ~596 feet;
A large calcareous burrow tube (Kuphus?) at ~595 feet;
Bone fragments and abundant Lepidocyclina at ~596 feet;
Grades broadly downward through
progressive fining, becoming bioturbated:
Bed 116 Dolostone: somewhat calcareous, gray 6.5 596.0 inclusions appear to progressively merge
downward into uniformly fine into medium
textured, calcareous dolostone in the lower
part of the Bed; slightly fossiliferous, and
bioturbated throughout, more-so in the
lower part of the Bed; indurated, dense
and competent; grades downward into:
Bed 117 Dolostone: glauconitic, slightly fossiliferous; 5.5 602.5
there is an irregular mixture of inclusions or
intraclasts of finely bioturbated/irregularly
granular/ gray, calcareous dolostone
(what appears to be definite local differences
in the recrystallization and dolomitization of
the carbonate sediment here); conspicuously
bioturbated; indurated, dense and competent;
Calcite filled fractures in intraclasts in
irregularly granular, brown dolostone at ~606
feet, no apparent glauconite;
Dolostone fines and glauconite or pyrite
reoccurs below ~606.5 feet;
Grades broadly downward into:
Bed 118 Dolostone: finely sucrosic, almost friable, 11.0 608.0
and bioturbated, with irregular
recrystallization remnants or inclusions
of more calcareous dolostone or dolomitic
limestone; a trace of macrofossils in the
upper part of the Bed, diminishing to nil
in the lower part of the Bed; bioturbated,
indurated and competent (100% core recovery);
Intraclasts, pyrite, and thick walled
burrows or possible algae at ~609 feet:
Macrofossils diminish below ~612 feet;
Intraclasts at ~616 feet;
Trace of phosphate and calcite in basal
½ foot of the Bed;
Abruptly but gradationally overlies:
upper Ochlockonee - 171 feet
Suwannee-equivalent? – 19.5 feet
(~93% recovery)
Bed 119 Limestone: fine grained and even textured; 19.5 619.0
very minor occurrences of glauconite,
calcite, clay, and chert, almost non-
macrofossiliferous; mostly massive bedded
and somewhat bioturbated; friable,
indurated, and competent (100% core
recovery); color ranges from yellowish gray
(5Y 7/2) to light olive gray (5Y 5/2);
Traces of glauconite in the upper 2 feet of the bed;
Lepidocyclina with subequal proloculus at ~633 feet:
Bioturbation becomes very evident below ~635 feet;
Abruptly but gradationally overlies:
(“Suwannacoochee-equivalent”?) – 59 feet
Bed 120 Dolostone: sucrosic and fine textured; faint 22.0 638.5
bioturbation; massive bedded and almost
structureless; indurated and competent;
Lepidocyclina molds at ~641 feet;
Calcareous dolostone at ~650 feet;
Dolomitic clay between ~656 and ~657 feet;
Calcitic concretions at ~659 feet;
Chert concretions at ~659 to ~660 feet;
Abruptly overlies:
Bed 121 Limestone: fine textured with scattered chert 21.5 660.5
concretions; smaller foraminifera apparent
on close inspection, non-macrofossiliferous;
massive bedded and structureless,
apparently well homogenized sediment;
well consolidated, and competent (100%
core recovery); yellowish gray (5Y/7/2) in color;
Chert concretion at ~663 feet:
Slightly calcareous dolostone with chert
concretions between ~671 and ~672.5 feet;
Chert concretion at ~680 feet:
Abruptly overlies:
Bed 122 Dolostone: fine textured, some scattered 15.5 682.0
calcareous concretions and irregular calcite
inclusions in the lower part of the Bed,
dolostone intraclasts at the base of the
Bed; some intervals are bioturbated and
some intervals are without any discernible
sedimentary structures; mostly massive
bedded and structureless; indurated and
competent; abruptly overlies:
(Ellaville/Marianna/Glendon-equivalent?) - 273.5 feet
Bed 123 Limestone: fine textured; some scattered 39.5 697.5
dolomitization; non-macrofossiliferous;
some faint bioturbation at intervals, other
intervals appear structureless; indurated
and competent; yellowish gray (5Y 7/2) in color;
Dolomitic from ~722.5 to ~725.5 feet;
Knobby structures at ~732 feet;
Slightly argillaceous at the basal contact,
Abruptly overlies:
Bed 124 Dolostone: slightly argillaceous at the top 9.0 737.0
of the Bed; fine textured and sucrosic;
massive bedded and structureless;
indurated and competent; (100% core
recovery); abruptly overlies:
Bed 125 Limestone: variably chalky with scattered 42.0 746.0
chert concretions; some smaller
foraminifera noted, non-macrofossiliferous;
massive bedded and variably faintly
bioturbated; indurated and competent
(100% core recovery); yellowish gray
(5Y 7/2) to dark yellowish gray (5Y 6/2);
in color;
Chert concretions at ~746 feet, ~752 feet,
and ~764 to ~766 feet;
Smaller foraminifera apparent on close
inspection from ~780 to ~784 feet;
Abruptly overlies:
Bed 126 Dolostone: fine textured; massive bedded 2.0 788.0
and structureless; indurated and competent;
(may be the same dolostone bed that
occurs at 788 feet in the adjacent core
Colquitt 5); bottom of the core at 790 feet.
Lower run of Colquitt 9 starting at 790 feet
Latitude N 31°E 13.118'
Longitude W 83°E 48.953'
Elev. ~275 Feet
unit and bed number
Description Thickness Depth
lower Ochlockonee Formation - 186 feet+
(~83% core recovery)
Bed 127 Limestone: dolomitic; fine textured, non- 2.5 790.0
macrofossiliferous; vaguely bioturbated;
indurated and competent (100% core
recovery; grades downward into:
Bed 128 Dolostone: fine textured and sucrosic; 2.5 792.5
indistinctly bioturbated and appears to be
vaguely layered in the basal 1 foot with
some tan to brownish color banding;
indurated and competent (100% core
recovery); almost pale yellowish brown
(10YR 6/2); (may be the same dolostone
bed that occurs at ~788 feet in the
adjacent core Colquitt 5, U.S. Gypsum
76-8 at the depth of 788 feet); grades
downward into:
Bed 129 Limestone: fine grained, very slightly 158.5 795.0
granular to nongranular; textural variation
appears to result from amount of fine, non-
descript granular material versus lutitic
material; the limestone is slightly
argillaceous with irregularly increasing
clay content down-section, some “shaley”
intervals, clayey, or soft, lutitic intervals
are somewhat earthy; bioturbated to
thinly and vaguely layered but, generally,
the sediment is incompletely mixed;
mostly hard, tough, and consolidated, and
with irregular fracture; not clearly
recrystallized but mostly competent
(~91% core recovery); color marbling
ranges from yellowish gray (5Y 7/2)
through light olive gray (5Y 5/2);
Dolomitic interval from ~799.5 to ~801
feet, this thin dolomitic layer is
moderate yellowish brown (5YR 5/2);
Calcitic? concretion at ~819 feet;
Thinly to vaguely layered and shaley from
~838 feet to ~845 feet;
Thin calcareous clay layer at ~839 feet,
contains a typical Ochlockonee foraminiferal
Softer argillaceous sediment at ~853 feet;
Softer argillaceous sediment again at ~857.5 feet;
Prominently bioturbated and burrowed from ~861 to ~865 feet;
Becoming more finely granular below ~862.5 feet;
Less burrowed below ~865 feet;
Clay component becomes inconspicuous below ~875 feet;
More granular below ~881 feet;
Conspicuously bioturbated and burrowed below ~882 feet;
Finely granular and bioturbated below ~895 feet;
Stratified from ~915.5 to ~918 feet;
Core interval dropped and scrambled from ~921 feet to ~931 feet;
Less obviously bioturbated below ~931 feet;
Thinly bedded from ~934 to ~935 feet;
Gradually more granular below ~938 feet;
More thin bedding at about ~942 feet, below which limestone becomes
very slightly argillaceous;
Bioturbated, burrowed and more argillaceous below ~950 feet
Grades downward into:
Bed 130 Clayey limestone/calcareous clay: massive 6.5 953.5
bedded and structureless; hard but
unconsolidated and moderately competent
(~54% core recovery); light olive gray
(5Y 5/2); abruptly overlies:
textured and sucrosic; some gray, very
irregular shaped, calcareous inclusions/
intraclasts; fossiliferous with frequent to
common small molds of Lepidocyclina and
possible, rare, degraded Nummulites molds,
a few delicate mollusk molds and
bryozoans; mostly massive and
structureless but with some bioturbation
and stratification noted; dolostone is well
indurated and competent but has some
secondary porosity (100% core recovery);
tan in color;
Thin layering between ~558 and ~559 feet;
Frequent to common small molds of
Lepidocyclina, a few delicate mollusks and
bryozoans at ~560 feet;
Dolomitic intraclasts at ~560 to ~561 feet,
some bioturbation;
Small degraded molds of Nummulites? below ~562 feet;
Grades downward into:
Bed 112 Dolostone: sucrosic, fine to medium textured; 9.0 563.5
fossiliferous with conspicuous, moderate-
size Lepidocyclina molds; somewhat
bioturbated; well indurated and competent
with moderate secondary porosity; tan to
tan/brown in color;
Very irregular shaped, gray, calcitic
intraclasts/inclusions at ~563 to ~565 feet;
Some sort of burrow or calcareous tube at ~564 feet;
Lepidocyclina molds increase in abundance below ~566 feet;
Lepidocyclina molds decreases below ~572 feet;
Grades broadly downward by both vertical
and horizontal lithology change into;
Bed 113 Dolostone: sucrosic and fine textured; mostly 8.5 572.5
nonfossiliferous to poorly fossiliferous, some
secondary porosity could be obliterated fossil
molds; bioturbated to undulatory and
lenticular bedded with some “bedding”
defined by dark brown “layer” coloration;
indurated, dense, friable and competent;
tannish brown colored;
Some Lepidocyclina molds at ~576.5 feet;
Some mollusk molds reoccur below ~578.5 feet;
Core sheared and fragmented from ~579 to ~581 feet;
Calcareous dolostone “inclusion” at ~580 feet;
Grades downward into:
Bed 114 Dolostone: interlayered: 1) fine textured and 11.5 581.0
bioturbated dolostone and 2) coarse,
originally irregular, granular, finely
bioclastic dolostone; interlayering that
appears prominent is crude and mainly
interlenticular; texture generally coarsens
downward whereas bioturbation decreases
downward; poorly fossiliferous; indurated
and competent (100% core recovery);
dark tan to light brown in color;
Fossil molds reoccur blow ~587 feet;
Lepidocyclina molds reoccur and increase
in number below ~590 feet;
Grades downward into:
Bed 115 Dolostone: some irregular, gray, calcareous, 3.5 592.5
dolostone inclusions (possibly very irregular
algal balls), some dark, undulatory
inclusions (pyritic? wad? {MnO2?}), many
“rust” spots; more fossiliferous than
overlying bed, a few fossil bone fragments,
generally massive and structureless
but with the appearance of very crude
layering; Bed is dense, indurated, and
competent (100% core recovery);
Concentration of dark material between ~593.5 and ~595.5 feet;
Common “rust spots” between ~594 and ~596 feet;
A large calcareous burrow tube (Kuphus?) at ~595 feet;
Bone fragments and abundant Lepidocyclina at ~596 feet;
Grades broadly downward through
progressive fining, becoming bioturbated:
Bed 116 Dolostone: somewhat calcareous, gray 6.5 596.0 inclusions appear to progressively merge
downward into uniformly fine into medium
textured, calcareous dolostone in the lower
part of the Bed; slightly fossiliferous, and
bioturbated throughout, more-so in the
lower part of the Bed; indurated, dense
and competent; grades downward into:
Bed 117 Dolostone: glauconitic, slightly fossiliferous; 5.5 602.5
there is an irregular mixture of inclusions or
intraclasts of finely bioturbated/irregularly
granular/ gray, calcareous dolostone
(what appears to be definite local differences
in the recrystallization and dolomitization of
the carbonate sediment here); conspicuously
bioturbated; indurated, dense and competent;
Calcite filled fractures in intraclasts in
irregularly granular, brown dolostone at ~606
feet, no apparent glauconite;
Dolostone fines and glauconite or pyrite
reoccurs below ~606.5 feet;
Grades broadly downward into:
Bed 118 Dolostone: finely sucrosic, almost friable, 11.0 608.0
and bioturbated, with irregular
recrystallization remnants or inclusions
of more calcareous dolostone or dolomitic
limestone; a trace of macrofossils in the
upper part of the Bed, diminishing to nil
in the lower part of the Bed; bioturbated,
indurated and competent (100% core recovery);
Intraclasts, pyrite, and thick walled
burrows or possible algae at ~609 feet:
Macrofossils diminish below ~612 feet;
Intraclasts at ~616 feet;
Trace of phosphate and calcite in basal
½ foot of the Bed;
Abruptly but gradationally overlies:
upper Ochlockonee - 171 feet
Suwannee-equivalent? – 19.5 feet
(~93% recovery)
Bed 119 Limestone: fine grained and even textured; 19.5 619.0
very minor occurrences of glauconite,
calcite, clay, and chert, almost non-
macrofossiliferous; mostly massive bedded
and somewhat bioturbated; friable,
indurated, and competent (100% core
recovery); color ranges from yellowish gray
(5Y 7/2) to light olive gray (5Y 5/2);
Traces of glauconite in the upper 2 feet of the bed;
Lepidocyclina with subequal proloculus at ~633 feet:
Bioturbation becomes very evident below ~635 feet;
Abruptly but gradationally overlies:
(“Suwannacoochee-equivalent”?) – 59 feet
Bed 120 Dolostone: sucrosic and fine textured; faint 22.0 638.5
bioturbation; massive bedded and almost
structureless; indurated and competent;
Lepidocyclina molds at ~641 feet;
Calcareous dolostone at ~650 feet;
Dolomitic clay between ~656 and ~657 feet;
Calcitic concretions at ~659 feet;
Chert concretions at ~659 to ~660 feet;
Abruptly overlies:
Bed 121 Limestone: fine textured with scattered chert 21.5 660.5
concretions; smaller foraminifera apparent
on close inspection, non-macrofossiliferous;
massive bedded and structureless,
apparently well homogenized sediment;
well consolidated, and competent (100%
core recovery); yellowish gray (5Y/7/2) in color;
Chert concretion at ~663 feet:
Slightly calcareous dolostone with chert
concretions between ~671 and ~672.5 feet;
Chert concretion at ~680 feet:
Abruptly overlies:
Bed 122 Dolostone: fine textured, some scattered 15.5 682.0
calcareous concretions and irregular calcite
inclusions in the lower part of the Bed,
dolostone intraclasts at the base of the
Bed; some intervals are bioturbated and
some intervals are without any discernible
sedimentary structures; mostly massive
bedded and structureless; indurated and
competent; abruptly overlies:
(Ellaville/Marianna/Glendon-equivalent?) - 273.5 feet
Bed 123 Limestone: fine textured; some scattered 39.5 697.5
dolomitization; non-macrofossiliferous;
some faint bioturbation at intervals, other
intervals appear structureless; indurated
and competent; yellowish gray (5Y 7/2) in color;
Dolomitic from ~722.5 to ~725.5 feet;
Knobby structures at ~732 feet;
Slightly argillaceous at the basal contact,
Abruptly overlies:
Bed 124 Dolostone: slightly argillaceous at the top 9.0 737.0
of the Bed; fine textured and sucrosic;
massive bedded and structureless;
indurated and competent; (100% core
recovery); abruptly overlies:
Bed 125 Limestone: variably chalky with scattered 42.0 746.0
chert concretions; some smaller
foraminifera noted, non-macrofossiliferous;
massive bedded and variably faintly
bioturbated; indurated and competent
(100% core recovery); yellowish gray
(5Y 7/2) to dark yellowish gray (5Y 6/2);
in color;
Chert concretions at ~746 feet, ~752 feet,
and ~764 to ~766 feet;
Smaller foraminifera apparent on close
inspection from ~780 to ~784 feet;
Abruptly overlies:
Bed 126 Dolostone: fine textured; massive bedded 2.0 788.0
and structureless; indurated and competent;
(may be the same dolostone bed that
occurs at 788 feet in the adjacent core
Colquitt 5); bottom of the core at 790 feet.
Lower run of Colquitt 9 starting at 790 feet
Latitude N 31°E 13.118'
Longitude W 83°E 48.953'
Elev. ~275 Feet
unit and bed number
Description Thickness Depth
lower Ochlockonee Formation - 186 feet+
(~83% core recovery)
Bed 127 Limestone: dolomitic; fine textured, non- 2.5 790.0
macrofossiliferous; vaguely bioturbated;
indurated and competent (100% core
recovery; grades downward into:
Bed 128 Dolostone: fine textured and sucrosic; 2.5 792.5
indistinctly bioturbated and appears to be
vaguely layered in the basal 1 foot with
some tan to brownish color banding;
indurated and competent (100% core
recovery); almost pale yellowish brown
(10YR 6/2); (may be the same dolostone
bed that occurs at ~788 feet in the
adjacent core Colquitt 5, U.S. Gypsum
76-8 at the depth of 788 feet); grades
downward into:
Bed 129 Limestone: fine grained, very slightly 158.5 795.0
granular to nongranular; textural variation
appears to result from amount of fine, non-
descript granular material versus lutitic
material; the limestone is slightly
argillaceous with irregularly increasing
clay content down-section, some “shaley”
intervals, clayey, or soft, lutitic intervals
are somewhat earthy; bioturbated to
thinly and vaguely layered but, generally,
the sediment is incompletely mixed;
mostly hard, tough, and consolidated, and
with irregular fracture; not clearly
recrystallized but mostly competent
(~91% core recovery); color marbling
ranges from yellowish gray (5Y 7/2)
through light olive gray (5Y 5/2);
Dolomitic interval from ~799.5 to ~801
feet, this thin dolomitic layer is
moderate yellowish brown (5YR 5/2);
Calcitic? concretion at ~819 feet;
Thinly to vaguely layered and shaley from
~838 feet to ~845 feet;
Thin calcareous clay layer at ~839 feet,
contains a typical Ochlockonee foraminiferal
Softer argillaceous sediment at ~853 feet;
Softer argillaceous sediment again at ~857.5 feet;
Prominently bioturbated and burrowed from ~861 to ~865 feet;
Becoming more finely granular below ~862.5 feet;
Less burrowed below ~865 feet;
Clay component becomes inconspicuous below ~875 feet;
More granular below ~881 feet;
Conspicuously bioturbated and burrowed below ~882 feet;
Finely granular and bioturbated below ~895 feet;
Stratified from ~915.5 to ~918 feet;
Core interval dropped and scrambled from ~921 feet to ~931 feet;
Less obviously bioturbated below ~931 feet;
Thinly bedded from ~934 to ~935 feet;
Gradually more granular below ~938 feet;
More thin bedding at about ~942 feet, below which limestone becomes
very slightly argillaceous;
Bioturbated, burrowed and more argillaceous below ~950 feet
Grades downward into:
Bed 130 Clayey limestone/calcareous clay: massive 6.5 953.5
bedded and structureless; hard but
unconsolidated and moderately competent
(~54% core recovery); light olive gray
(5Y 5/2); abruptly overlies:
Bed 131 Limestone: finely granular; argillaceous; 16.0 960.0
becoming irregularly more argillaceous
down-section; variably bioturbated and
thinly layered; hard, tough, consolidated
and mostly competent (~79% core
recovery); yellowish gray (5Y 7/2) to light
olive gray (5Y 5/2) in color;
Thin calcareous clay layer at ~965 feet;
Thinly layered to laminated and more
argillaceous below ~969 feet;
Finely disseminated dark grains (pyrite?) below ~972 feet;
Wad (MnO2) or phosphate in basal ½ foot (lag deposit?);
Abruptly overlies with a prominent diastem;
(Red Bluff/Bumpnose-equivalent?) – 42 feet
(73% core recovery)
Bed 132 Limestone (hard-ground): irregular surface 1.5 976.0
of the contact, burrows filled with sediment
from overlying bed, glauconitic? green stain
in the rock; massive bedded, indurated and
fractured; competent; grades downward into:
Bed 133 Limestone: finely granular; somewhat 40.5 977.5
argillaceous, some glauconite or dark
granular material in burrows in the upper
part of the Bed, rare chert filled burrows
elsewhere, other than scattered burrows,
the Bed is non-macrofossiliferous;
massive bedded to very vaguely, thin
bedded, to structureless, faintly
bioturbated in intervals where the Bed
is more argillaceous; moderately
indurated and moderately competent
(~65% core recovery), recovery in this
Bed being less than in the overlying and
underlying beds; colors range from mostly
yellowish gray (5Y 7/2) to light yellowish
gray (5Y 8/1) in upper the upper part of
the Bed;
Slickensided joint at ~980 feet:
Glauconite filled burrows at ~983 to ~985 feet;
More argillaceous from ~998 to ~1000 feet;
Chert filled burrow at ~1000 feet;
Some very fine pyrite at ~1014 feet;
Burrows, bioturbation, and increasing clay content at ~1017 feet;
Gradationally overlies:
Crystal River-equivalent? – 76 feet
(~88% core recovery)
Bed 134 Limestone: finely granular; argillaceous, 13.0 1018.0
finely glauconitic, pyritic, some chert, and
foraminiferal; massive to vaguely layered,
especially in upper and lower parts;
moderately indurated, coherent, and
moderately competent (~50% core recovery);
the color of the more argillaceous intervals
is light olive gray (5Y 5/2), less argillaceous
intervals are yellowish gray (5Y 7/2);
Chert filled burrow at ~1024 feet;
Grades downward into:
Bed 135 Limestone: more coarsely granular than 34.0 1031.0
the above bed; finely glauconitic, variably
and slightly argillaceous with clay content
gradually decreasing down-section, mostly
non-macrofossiliferous; primarily massive
and structureless, some thin layering at
the top of Bed; moderately indurated,
coherent, and competent (~93% core
recovery); dominantly yellowish gray
(5Y 7/2) with some dark yellowish gray
(5Y 6/2);
Discocyclinid larger foraminifera at ~1034 feet;
Conspicuously glauconitic from ~1035 feet
to ~1041 feet with glauconite content
diminishing below ~1041 feet;
Some vein calcite at ~1038 feet;
Trace of very fine grained quartz sand from ~1047 to ~1048 feet;
Thin layering at ~1050 feet, below which
glauconite becomes insignificant;
Finely disseminated pyrite increases below ~1055 feet;
Clay content increases slightly below ~1060 feet;
Vaguely and thinly layered to bioturbated below ~1062 feet;
Grades very broadly downward into the underlying bed, contact is very arbitrary:
Bed 136 Limestone: finely equigranular; argillaceous, 29.0 1065.0
very slightly and finely glauconitic in the
upper part, glauconite decreases down-
section and is almost absent in the lower
part of the Bed, slightly pyritic but there
are conspicuous concentrations of finely
disseminated pyrite, rare chert nodules,
very slightly micaceous in the lower part;
massive, structureless, and friable;
firmly consolidated, partially indurated,
but competent (100% core recovery);
yellowish gray (5Y 7/2) in color;
Chert nodule at ~1076 feet;
Becoming very slightly micaceous below ~1082 feet;
Becoming slightly more argillaceous below ~1090 feet;
Grades broadly downward into:
Williston-equivalent? – 66 feet
(~93% core recovery)
Bed 137 Limestone: finely to very finely granular; 55.0 1094.0
variably argillaceous (somewhat
argillaceous to very argillaceous and
shaley), very slightly and finely to nil
glauconitic, slightly and finely pyritic,
scattered and rare milky calcitic concretions and very slightly to nil
micaceous; some burrows evident;
Bedding varies from laminated to thinly
and finely bedded, to thinly and crudely
bedded and shaley, to massive (variably
bioturbated) and structureless, or
variably bioturbated with burrow structures;
Consolidated, partially indurated and
mostly competent (~93% core recovery);
the color is mostly yellowish gray (5Y 7/2)
but with some very light olive gray (5Y 7/1);
Clay content increases below ~1102 feet,
below which limestone becomes
conspicuously argillaceous, shaley and
thinly but crudely layered;
Clay content and shaliness diminish below ~1112 feet;
Becoming bioturbated and burrowed around ~1115 feet;
Trace mica occurs below ~1115 feet;
More argillaceous below ~ 1126 feet;
Milky calcite concretions at ~1128 feet;
Thinly layered to laminated at ~1138 feet;
Clay content diminishes below ~1140 feet;
Slightly bioturbated around ~1144 feet;
Milky calcite concretion at ~1147.5 feet;
Grades broadly downward into:
Bed 138 Limestone: very finely granular; somewhat 9.0 1149.0
argillaceous, glauconitic, pyritic, rare
spicules, very slightly phosphatic in the
basal part; of the Bed; crudely layered;
partially indurated and mostly competent
(~85% core recovery); yellowish gray (5Y 7/2) in color;
Rare spicules at ~1150 feet and limestone
becoming more finely granular down section;
Pyrite on bedding planes and within a
burrow at ~~1151 to ~1152 feet;
Acicular pyrite? (or spicule replaced by pyrite) at ~1153.5 feet;
More argillaceous and thinly layered below ~154 feet;
Gradually getting more and coarsely glauconitic, more pyritic, and very
slightly phosphatic below ~1156 feet;
Grades abruptly downward into:
Bed 139 Limestone (lag deposit?): very fine grained; 2.0 1158.0 abundantly and coarsely glauconitic, a few
calcite concretions, slightly phosphatic
and argillaceous; crudely layered;
indurated and competent; limestone is
almost green with glauconite; overlies an
embayed and highly irregular surface of
the underlying bed, contact is not
sharply defined:
Interval 1 – 29 feet Gosport-equivalent?
(71% core recovery)
Bed 140 Limestone: (hard-ground) finely sucrosic and 1.0 1160.0
crystalline, glittery and sparkly due to very
fine calcite rhombs; glauconitic, some
phosphate pellets, probably slightly
argillaceous; massive and structureless;
recrystallized, indurated and competent;
yellowish gray (5Y 7/2) in color; abruptly
Bed 141 Dolostone (probably part of hard-ground): 3.0 1161.0
sucrosic; very glauconitic with greensand
concentrations; very slightly argillaceous;
no evident sedimentary structures;
indurated and competent (100% core
recovery); pale yellowish brown (10YR 6/2)
in color; abruptly overlies:
Bed 142 Limestone: granular; calcareous concretions 3.0 1164.0
in the upper 1 foot that have the appearance
of pop-corn; poorly preserved larger
foraminifera, very glauconitic, sandy, pyritic,
argillaceous and some pelletal phosphate;
massive bedded and structureless;
indurated and competent; abruptly overlies:
Bed 143 Limestone: silty. finely sandy and granular; 3.0 1167.0
with the content of very fine sand increasing
downward from a trace in the upper part
of the Bed; argillaceous, glauconitic, pyritic,
micaceous, and finely glauconite filled
burrows in the upper ½ foot of the Bed;
mostly massive and structureless;
indurated and mostly competent;
grades downward through coarsening of
quartz sand and increase in glauconite
content into:
Bed 144 Limestone: finely sandy, glauconitic 12.5 1170.0
(glauconite content increases down-section
and the lower part of the Bed is very
glauconitic), somewhat argillaceous,
trace of phosphate in upper 1 foot;
variably thinly bedded to thickly bedded,
no fine and thin stratification; indurated
and moderately/mostly competent
(~73% core recovery); grades downward into:
Bed 145 Sandstone: fine/medium grained and well 6.5 1182.5
sorted; very calcareous, argillaceous, and
glauconitic; discocyclinid foraminifera and
Asterocyclina? in the basal 1 foot of the
Bed; crudely layered, almost shaley;
indurated, friable and moderately
competent (~50% core recovery); overlies
with distinct diastem or disconformity:
Interval 2 – 38 feet
Lisbon/Cook Mountain-equivalent ?
(100% core recovery)
Bed 146 Claystone: (burrowed and an uneven upper 34.0 1189.0
surface) calcareous, a trace of silty, fine
quartz sand, scattered minute grains of
glauconite, some minute bits of organic
debris and a possible trace of pelletal
phosphate; finely laminated and delicately
stratified with some bioturbated intervals;
very hard, tough and competent (100%
core recovery); greenish gray to moderate
greenish gray (5GY 6/1 – 5GY 5/1) in color;
Very finely sandy and glauconitic from ~1194 to ~1195.5 feet;
Increase in glauconite content in basal 1.5 feet of the Bed;
Grades downward into:
Bed 147 Limestone: fine textured; slightly and finely 2.5 1223.0
sandy, slightly argillaceous, glauconitic, and
a trace of pelletal phosphate; massive and
structureless; indurated and competent;
grades downward into:
Bed 148 Limestone: finely sandy, glauconitic, small 1.5 1225.5
quartz nodules, calcareous intraclasts in a
greensand matrix at the base of the Bed;
very crudely layered; indurated and
competent; abruptly overlies the irregular
“scoured” surface of:
Interval 3 - 44 feet
36% core recovery)
Bed 149 Calcareous dolostone/dolostone: more 4.0 1227.0
calcareous in the upper part of the Bed;
finely sandy, some quartz nodules,
glauconitic, slightly phosphatic, appears
mostly massive and structureless, indurated
and competent (100% core recovery); grades
downward into:
Bed 150 Limestone: finely sandy, slightly argillaceous, 2.0 1231.0
glauconitic, a trace of phosphate; massive
and structureless; indurated and competent;
grades downward into:
Bed 151 Sandstone: fine grained and well sorted; 3.0 1233.0
calcareous, glauconitic, slightly phosphatic,
probably a trace of clay minerals and a trace
of dolomite in the lower part of the Bed;
massive and structureless, well
homogenized; indurated, friable and
moderately to poorly competent (~37% core
recovery); overlies core gap:
CORE GAP 5.0 1236.0
Bed 152 Sandy limestone/very calcareous sandstone: 29.5 1241.0
sand is bimodal – fine to medium grained,
quartz sand and well-rounded coarse,
quartz grains; argillaceous, glauconitic,
and slightly phosphatic; thinly layered and
shaley, some algal-mat structures?
Indurated and friable, but poorly competent
(~29% core recovery);
Core gaps from ~1245 feet to ~1261 feet
and from ~1265 feet to ~1270 feet;
Appears to grade downward into:
Interval 4 – 17 feet
(100% core recovery)
Bed 153 Clay/Sand: the Bed consists of a broad 4.0 1270.5
transition from a very calcareous, finely
sandy, glauconitic clay in the upper part
of the Bed – grading rapidly downward into
a noncalcareous and nonglauconitic,
slightly silty, siliceous claystone in the
lower part of the Bed; stratified; resistant,
indurated, and competent (100% core
recovery); abruptly overlies:
Bed 154 Clay: silty and very finely sandy, calcareous 13.0 1274.5
and a trace of pyrite; prominently laminated
with silty fine sand occurring along bedding
planes and partings, some scattered
bioturbation and disrupted bedding; hard,
tough and very competent; dark clay layers
and light silty fine sand layers; abruptly
Interval 5 – 33.5 feet+
Tallahatta/Congaree/Still Branch -equivalent?
(87% core recovery)
Bed 155 Limestone: granular and brecciated; 9.0 1287.5 sandy, mostly fine to medium grained and
moderately well sorted with some large
angular to rounded quartz grains; quartz
sand distribution generally appears to be
concentrated along bedding planes in the
upper part of the Bed; sand increases in
proportion and is more irregular in
occurrence down section; glauconitic,
black pellets present that may be either
glauconite or phosphate, phosphate
pellets are present in the basal ½ foot of
the Bed; some scattered brecciated
intraclastic intervals/occurrences
(intraclastic breccia at ~1293 feet;
Fossiliferous, bryozoans are common and
consist of orange stained bryozoan debris
that increases down-section; scattered
molluscan molds; rare to frequent
discocyclinid foraminifera and rare
Lepidocyclina present; some occurrence
of burrows and scattered granular fossil
Stratification is very undulatory, irregular,
waxy, and lumpy in appearance;
Indurated and consolidated, granular in
texture, and competent (100% core
A diastem occurs at ~1296 feet with a lag
deposit above the diastem and a brecciated
and a burrowed hard-ground beneath the
diastem; the ~0.5 feet of lag deposit contains
black phosphate or glauconite pellets and a
small concentrations of bryozoans; there is
little if any lithologic distinction between
the Beds 155, 156, and 157;
Bed 156 Limestone: similar to the overlying bed; a 4.5 1296.5
brecciated and burrowed, ~0.5 feet of lag
deposit, hard-ground occurs beneath the
diastem; the hard-ground contains small
mollusk molds and burrows filled with
bryozoan debris and discocyclinids, black
phosphate or glauconite pellets and small
concentrations of bryozoans;
Burrow filled with discocyclinid larger
foraminifera and bryozoan debris at
~1298 feet;
Grades broadly downward into:
Bed 157 Limestone: more sandy and glauconitic 11.5 1301.0
with sand and glauconite content
increasing down-section, sand distribution
rather irregular and spotty, fossiliferous in
upper part of Bed, diminishing down-
section; granular; mostly massive bedded
and structureless, except near top of Bed;
friable, indurated, and competent (100%
core recovery);
Intraclastic breccia at ~1310 feet;
Very gradationally overlies:
Bed 158 Sandstone: fine/medium grained and well 3.5 1312.5
sorted; glauconitic, calcareous, and slightly
argillaceous; massive and structureless;
indurated and friable but moderately
competent (~41% core recovery); overlies
core gap:
CORE GAP 5.0 1316.0
Bottom of the core at 1321 feet.
becoming irregularly more argillaceous
down-section; variably bioturbated and
thinly layered; hard, tough, consolidated
and mostly competent (~79% core
recovery); yellowish gray (5Y 7/2) to light
olive gray (5Y 5/2) in color;
Thin calcareous clay layer at ~965 feet;
Thinly layered to laminated and more
argillaceous below ~969 feet;
Finely disseminated dark grains (pyrite?) below ~972 feet;
Wad (MnO2) or phosphate in basal ½ foot (lag deposit?);
Abruptly overlies with a prominent diastem;
(Red Bluff/Bumpnose-equivalent?) – 42 feet
(73% core recovery)
Bed 132 Limestone (hard-ground): irregular surface 1.5 976.0
of the contact, burrows filled with sediment
from overlying bed, glauconitic? green stain
in the rock; massive bedded, indurated and
fractured; competent; grades downward into:
Bed 133 Limestone: finely granular; somewhat 40.5 977.5
argillaceous, some glauconite or dark
granular material in burrows in the upper
part of the Bed, rare chert filled burrows
elsewhere, other than scattered burrows,
the Bed is non-macrofossiliferous;
massive bedded to very vaguely, thin
bedded, to structureless, faintly
bioturbated in intervals where the Bed
is more argillaceous; moderately
indurated and moderately competent
(~65% core recovery), recovery in this
Bed being less than in the overlying and
underlying beds; colors range from mostly
yellowish gray (5Y 7/2) to light yellowish
gray (5Y 8/1) in upper the upper part of
the Bed;
Slickensided joint at ~980 feet:
Glauconite filled burrows at ~983 to ~985 feet;
More argillaceous from ~998 to ~1000 feet;
Chert filled burrow at ~1000 feet;
Some very fine pyrite at ~1014 feet;
Burrows, bioturbation, and increasing clay content at ~1017 feet;
Gradationally overlies:
Crystal River-equivalent? – 76 feet
(~88% core recovery)
Bed 134 Limestone: finely granular; argillaceous, 13.0 1018.0
finely glauconitic, pyritic, some chert, and
foraminiferal; massive to vaguely layered,
especially in upper and lower parts;
moderately indurated, coherent, and
moderately competent (~50% core recovery);
the color of the more argillaceous intervals
is light olive gray (5Y 5/2), less argillaceous
intervals are yellowish gray (5Y 7/2);
Chert filled burrow at ~1024 feet;
Grades downward into:
Bed 135 Limestone: more coarsely granular than 34.0 1031.0
the above bed; finely glauconitic, variably
and slightly argillaceous with clay content
gradually decreasing down-section, mostly
non-macrofossiliferous; primarily massive
and structureless, some thin layering at
the top of Bed; moderately indurated,
coherent, and competent (~93% core
recovery); dominantly yellowish gray
(5Y 7/2) with some dark yellowish gray
(5Y 6/2);
Discocyclinid larger foraminifera at ~1034 feet;
Conspicuously glauconitic from ~1035 feet
to ~1041 feet with glauconite content
diminishing below ~1041 feet;
Some vein calcite at ~1038 feet;
Trace of very fine grained quartz sand from ~1047 to ~1048 feet;
Thin layering at ~1050 feet, below which
glauconite becomes insignificant;
Finely disseminated pyrite increases below ~1055 feet;
Clay content increases slightly below ~1060 feet;
Vaguely and thinly layered to bioturbated below ~1062 feet;
Grades very broadly downward into the underlying bed, contact is very arbitrary:
Bed 136 Limestone: finely equigranular; argillaceous, 29.0 1065.0
very slightly and finely glauconitic in the
upper part, glauconite decreases down-
section and is almost absent in the lower
part of the Bed, slightly pyritic but there
are conspicuous concentrations of finely
disseminated pyrite, rare chert nodules,
very slightly micaceous in the lower part;
massive, structureless, and friable;
firmly consolidated, partially indurated,
but competent (100% core recovery);
yellowish gray (5Y 7/2) in color;
Chert nodule at ~1076 feet;
Becoming very slightly micaceous below ~1082 feet;
Becoming slightly more argillaceous below ~1090 feet;
Grades broadly downward into:
Williston-equivalent? – 66 feet
(~93% core recovery)
Bed 137 Limestone: finely to very finely granular; 55.0 1094.0
variably argillaceous (somewhat
argillaceous to very argillaceous and
shaley), very slightly and finely to nil
glauconitic, slightly and finely pyritic,
scattered and rare milky calcitic concretions and very slightly to nil
micaceous; some burrows evident;
Bedding varies from laminated to thinly
and finely bedded, to thinly and crudely
bedded and shaley, to massive (variably
bioturbated) and structureless, or
variably bioturbated with burrow structures;
Consolidated, partially indurated and
mostly competent (~93% core recovery);
the color is mostly yellowish gray (5Y 7/2)
but with some very light olive gray (5Y 7/1);
Clay content increases below ~1102 feet,
below which limestone becomes
conspicuously argillaceous, shaley and
thinly but crudely layered;
Clay content and shaliness diminish below ~1112 feet;
Becoming bioturbated and burrowed around ~1115 feet;
Trace mica occurs below ~1115 feet;
More argillaceous below ~ 1126 feet;
Milky calcite concretions at ~1128 feet;
Thinly layered to laminated at ~1138 feet;
Clay content diminishes below ~1140 feet;
Slightly bioturbated around ~1144 feet;
Milky calcite concretion at ~1147.5 feet;
Grades broadly downward into:
Bed 138 Limestone: very finely granular; somewhat 9.0 1149.0
argillaceous, glauconitic, pyritic, rare
spicules, very slightly phosphatic in the
basal part; of the Bed; crudely layered;
partially indurated and mostly competent
(~85% core recovery); yellowish gray (5Y 7/2) in color;
Rare spicules at ~1150 feet and limestone
becoming more finely granular down section;
Pyrite on bedding planes and within a
burrow at ~~1151 to ~1152 feet;
Acicular pyrite? (or spicule replaced by pyrite) at ~1153.5 feet;
More argillaceous and thinly layered below ~154 feet;
Gradually getting more and coarsely glauconitic, more pyritic, and very
slightly phosphatic below ~1156 feet;
Grades abruptly downward into:
Bed 139 Limestone (lag deposit?): very fine grained; 2.0 1158.0 abundantly and coarsely glauconitic, a few
calcite concretions, slightly phosphatic
and argillaceous; crudely layered;
indurated and competent; limestone is
almost green with glauconite; overlies an
embayed and highly irregular surface of
the underlying bed, contact is not
sharply defined:
Interval 1 – 29 feet Gosport-equivalent?
(71% core recovery)
Bed 140 Limestone: (hard-ground) finely sucrosic and 1.0 1160.0
crystalline, glittery and sparkly due to very
fine calcite rhombs; glauconitic, some
phosphate pellets, probably slightly
argillaceous; massive and structureless;
recrystallized, indurated and competent;
yellowish gray (5Y 7/2) in color; abruptly
Bed 141 Dolostone (probably part of hard-ground): 3.0 1161.0
sucrosic; very glauconitic with greensand
concentrations; very slightly argillaceous;
no evident sedimentary structures;
indurated and competent (100% core
recovery); pale yellowish brown (10YR 6/2)
in color; abruptly overlies:
Bed 142 Limestone: granular; calcareous concretions 3.0 1164.0
in the upper 1 foot that have the appearance
of pop-corn; poorly preserved larger
foraminifera, very glauconitic, sandy, pyritic,
argillaceous and some pelletal phosphate;
massive bedded and structureless;
indurated and competent; abruptly overlies:
Bed 143 Limestone: silty. finely sandy and granular; 3.0 1167.0
with the content of very fine sand increasing
downward from a trace in the upper part
of the Bed; argillaceous, glauconitic, pyritic,
micaceous, and finely glauconite filled
burrows in the upper ½ foot of the Bed;
mostly massive and structureless;
indurated and mostly competent;
grades downward through coarsening of
quartz sand and increase in glauconite
content into:
Bed 144 Limestone: finely sandy, glauconitic 12.5 1170.0
(glauconite content increases down-section
and the lower part of the Bed is very
glauconitic), somewhat argillaceous,
trace of phosphate in upper 1 foot;
variably thinly bedded to thickly bedded,
no fine and thin stratification; indurated
and moderately/mostly competent
(~73% core recovery); grades downward into:
Bed 145 Sandstone: fine/medium grained and well 6.5 1182.5
sorted; very calcareous, argillaceous, and
glauconitic; discocyclinid foraminifera and
Asterocyclina? in the basal 1 foot of the
Bed; crudely layered, almost shaley;
indurated, friable and moderately
competent (~50% core recovery); overlies
with distinct diastem or disconformity:
Interval 2 – 38 feet
Lisbon/Cook Mountain-equivalent ?
(100% core recovery)
Bed 146 Claystone: (burrowed and an uneven upper 34.0 1189.0
surface) calcareous, a trace of silty, fine
quartz sand, scattered minute grains of
glauconite, some minute bits of organic
debris and a possible trace of pelletal
phosphate; finely laminated and delicately
stratified with some bioturbated intervals;
very hard, tough and competent (100%
core recovery); greenish gray to moderate
greenish gray (5GY 6/1 – 5GY 5/1) in color;
Very finely sandy and glauconitic from ~1194 to ~1195.5 feet;
Increase in glauconite content in basal 1.5 feet of the Bed;
Grades downward into:
Bed 147 Limestone: fine textured; slightly and finely 2.5 1223.0
sandy, slightly argillaceous, glauconitic, and
a trace of pelletal phosphate; massive and
structureless; indurated and competent;
grades downward into:
Bed 148 Limestone: finely sandy, glauconitic, small 1.5 1225.5
quartz nodules, calcareous intraclasts in a
greensand matrix at the base of the Bed;
very crudely layered; indurated and
competent; abruptly overlies the irregular
“scoured” surface of:
Interval 3 - 44 feet
36% core recovery)
Bed 149 Calcareous dolostone/dolostone: more 4.0 1227.0
calcareous in the upper part of the Bed;
finely sandy, some quartz nodules,
glauconitic, slightly phosphatic, appears
mostly massive and structureless, indurated
and competent (100% core recovery); grades
downward into:
Bed 150 Limestone: finely sandy, slightly argillaceous, 2.0 1231.0
glauconitic, a trace of phosphate; massive
and structureless; indurated and competent;
grades downward into:
Bed 151 Sandstone: fine grained and well sorted; 3.0 1233.0
calcareous, glauconitic, slightly phosphatic,
probably a trace of clay minerals and a trace
of dolomite in the lower part of the Bed;
massive and structureless, well
homogenized; indurated, friable and
moderately to poorly competent (~37% core
recovery); overlies core gap:
CORE GAP 5.0 1236.0
Bed 152 Sandy limestone/very calcareous sandstone: 29.5 1241.0
sand is bimodal – fine to medium grained,
quartz sand and well-rounded coarse,
quartz grains; argillaceous, glauconitic,
and slightly phosphatic; thinly layered and
shaley, some algal-mat structures?
Indurated and friable, but poorly competent
(~29% core recovery);
Core gaps from ~1245 feet to ~1261 feet
and from ~1265 feet to ~1270 feet;
Appears to grade downward into:
Interval 4 – 17 feet
(100% core recovery)
Bed 153 Clay/Sand: the Bed consists of a broad 4.0 1270.5
transition from a very calcareous, finely
sandy, glauconitic clay in the upper part
of the Bed – grading rapidly downward into
a noncalcareous and nonglauconitic,
slightly silty, siliceous claystone in the
lower part of the Bed; stratified; resistant,
indurated, and competent (100% core
recovery); abruptly overlies:
Bed 154 Clay: silty and very finely sandy, calcareous 13.0 1274.5
and a trace of pyrite; prominently laminated
with silty fine sand occurring along bedding
planes and partings, some scattered
bioturbation and disrupted bedding; hard,
tough and very competent; dark clay layers
and light silty fine sand layers; abruptly
Interval 5 – 33.5 feet+
Tallahatta/Congaree/Still Branch -equivalent?
(87% core recovery)
Bed 155 Limestone: granular and brecciated; 9.0 1287.5 sandy, mostly fine to medium grained and
moderately well sorted with some large
angular to rounded quartz grains; quartz
sand distribution generally appears to be
concentrated along bedding planes in the
upper part of the Bed; sand increases in
proportion and is more irregular in
occurrence down section; glauconitic,
black pellets present that may be either
glauconite or phosphate, phosphate
pellets are present in the basal ½ foot of
the Bed; some scattered brecciated
intraclastic intervals/occurrences
(intraclastic breccia at ~1293 feet;
Fossiliferous, bryozoans are common and
consist of orange stained bryozoan debris
that increases down-section; scattered
molluscan molds; rare to frequent
discocyclinid foraminifera and rare
Lepidocyclina present; some occurrence
of burrows and scattered granular fossil
Stratification is very undulatory, irregular,
waxy, and lumpy in appearance;
Indurated and consolidated, granular in
texture, and competent (100% core
A diastem occurs at ~1296 feet with a lag
deposit above the diastem and a brecciated
and a burrowed hard-ground beneath the
diastem; the ~0.5 feet of lag deposit contains
black phosphate or glauconite pellets and a
small concentrations of bryozoans; there is
little if any lithologic distinction between
the Beds 155, 156, and 157;
Bed 156 Limestone: similar to the overlying bed; a 4.5 1296.5
brecciated and burrowed, ~0.5 feet of lag
deposit, hard-ground occurs beneath the
diastem; the hard-ground contains small
mollusk molds and burrows filled with
bryozoan debris and discocyclinids, black
phosphate or glauconite pellets and small
concentrations of bryozoans;
Burrow filled with discocyclinid larger
foraminifera and bryozoan debris at
~1298 feet;
Grades broadly downward into:
Bed 157 Limestone: more sandy and glauconitic 11.5 1301.0
with sand and glauconite content
increasing down-section, sand distribution
rather irregular and spotty, fossiliferous in
upper part of Bed, diminishing down-
section; granular; mostly massive bedded
and structureless, except near top of Bed;
friable, indurated, and competent (100%
core recovery);
Intraclastic breccia at ~1310 feet;
Very gradationally overlies:
Bed 158 Sandstone: fine/medium grained and well 3.5 1312.5
sorted; glauconitic, calcareous, and slightly
argillaceous; massive and structureless;
indurated and friable but moderately
competent (~41% core recovery); overlies
core gap:
CORE GAP 5.0 1316.0
Bottom of the core at 1321 feet.