Manningtown Core
7½’ Quadrangle
By Paul Huddlestun
Manningtown Core
7½’ Quadrangle
By Paul Huddlestun
The location of the Wayne 2 core is in a remote, rural area, approximately 3.5 miles east of the junction of US 301 and Broadhurst Rd. in southern Wayne County; 0.1 mile east of the highway name-change of Gardi Rd and Manningtown Rd, and Broadhurst Rd/Hazel Lane, on the Penholoway Terrace.
Latitude N 31° 27.834’
Longitude W 81° 51.250’
Elev. ~59 Feet
By Paul Huddlestun
Logged – ca. 1973
Written up – 10/13/13
Longitude W 81° 51.250’
Elev. ~59 Feet
By Paul Huddlestun
Logged – ca. 1973
Written up – 10/13/13
unit and bed number Description Thickness Depth
NO CORE 15.0 0.0
~91% core recovery
Bed 1 Sand: medium grained and well sorted; 2.5 15.0
argillaceous; massive and structureless;
unconsolidated and coherent: grades
Bed 2 Sand: fine grained and well sorted (like sugar 7.0 17.5
sand); no other lithic components noted;
unconsolidated and coherent; white (N 9) in
color; overlies core gap:
CORE GAP 5.5 24.5
Bed 3 Sand: fine grained and well sorted; slightly 4.5 30.0
argillaceous with a few scattered discontinuous
laminae of clay; thinly layered; unconsolidated,
coherent and apparently competent; grades downward into:
unit and bed number Description Thickness Depth
NO CORE 15.0 0.0
~91% core recovery
Bed 1 Sand: medium grained and well sorted; 2.5 15.0
argillaceous; massive and structureless;
unconsolidated and coherent: grades
Bed 2 Sand: fine grained and well sorted (like sugar 7.0 17.5
sand); no other lithic components noted;
unconsolidated and coherent; white (N 9) in
color; overlies core gap:
CORE GAP 5.5 24.5
Bed 3 Sand: fine grained and well sorted; slightly 4.5 30.0
argillaceous with a few scattered discontinuous
laminae of clay; thinly layered; unconsolidated,
coherent and apparently competent; grades downward into:
Bed 4 Gravel: pebbly and coarsely sandy, poorly 1.5 34.5
sorted; somewhat argillaceous with interstitial
clay; massive and structureless; unconsolidated
but coherent and apparently competent; grades
downward into:
Bed 5 Sand: fine grained and well sorted; slightly 17.5 36.0
argillaceous, with scattered, discontinuous
clay laminae in basal 1 foot; no other lithic
components noted; mostly massive and
structureless; unconsolidated, probably at
least moderately coherent and competent in
the upper part of the Bed and poorly
coherent to incoherent in the lower part,
moderately competent (~65% core recovery);
grades abruptly downward into:
sorted; somewhat argillaceous with interstitial
clay; massive and structureless; unconsolidated
but coherent and apparently competent; grades
downward into:
Bed 5 Sand: fine grained and well sorted; slightly 17.5 36.0
argillaceous, with scattered, discontinuous
clay laminae in basal 1 foot; no other lithic
components noted; mostly massive and
structureless; unconsolidated, probably at
least moderately coherent and competent in
the upper part of the Bed and poorly
coherent to incoherent in the lower part,
moderately competent (~65% core recovery);
grades abruptly downward into:
Raysor Member? – 6 feet
Bed 6 Clay: (probably continuous or discontinuous 5.5 53.5
(6 other Raysor beds or the Duplin Formation
farther seaward); very finely sandy with
scattered fine sand laminae or layers, some
pelletal phosphate noted; the clay appears to
be massive and structureless but the presence
of fine sand stringers or laminae suggest that
the Bed is subtlely layered; coherent to
competent (100% core recovery);
disconformably overlies:
Bed 6 Clay: (probably continuous or discontinuous 5.5 53.5
(6 other Raysor beds or the Duplin Formation
farther seaward); very finely sandy with
scattered fine sand laminae or layers, some
pelletal phosphate noted; the clay appears to
be massive and structureless but the presence
of fine sand stringers or laminae suggest that
the Bed is subtlely layered; coherent to
competent (100% core recovery);
disconformably overlies:
~65% core recovery
Bed 7 Sandstone: (probably hard ground); no other 1.0 59.0
lithic component noted, cementing agent
unknown; massive and structureless;
indurated; competent; overlies:
Bed 8 Sand caving? 4.0 60.0
Bed 9 Sand: fine to medium grained and somewhat 16.0 64.0
argillaceous, more argillaceous in the upper
2 feet of the Bed, slightly phosphatic with
pelletal phosphate and slightly dolomitic, both
in the basal few feet of the Bed: massive and
structureless; unconsolidated and moderately
coherent and competent (~62% core recovery);
grades downward into:
Bed 10 Sand: fine grained and well sorted; slightly 25.0 80.0
argillaceous with minor interstitial clay and
scattered continuous and discontinuous clay
laminae; slightly phosphatic below 90 feet;
slightly dolomitic and a trace of calcite
below 91 feet based on HCl reaction; thinly
layered; unconsolidated and moderate
coherence and competence, upper part of
the Bed is less coherent and competent
than the lower part (~67% core recovery);
grades downward into:
~65% core recovery
Bed 7 Sandstone: (probably hard ground); no other 1.0 59.0
lithic component noted, cementing agent
unknown; massive and structureless;
indurated; competent; overlies:
Bed 8 Sand caving? 4.0 60.0
Bed 9 Sand: fine to medium grained and somewhat 16.0 64.0
argillaceous, more argillaceous in the upper
2 feet of the Bed, slightly phosphatic with
pelletal phosphate and slightly dolomitic, both
in the basal few feet of the Bed: massive and
structureless; unconsolidated and moderately
coherent and competent (~62% core recovery);
grades downward into:
Bed 10 Sand: fine grained and well sorted; slightly 25.0 80.0
argillaceous with minor interstitial clay and
scattered continuous and discontinuous clay
laminae; slightly phosphatic below 90 feet;
slightly dolomitic and a trace of calcite
below 91 feet based on HCl reaction; thinly
layered; unconsolidated and moderate
coherence and competence, upper part of
the Bed is less coherent and competent
than the lower part (~67% core recovery);
grades downward into:
Bed 11 Sand: fine to medium grained and well sorted; 41.0 105.0
variably and somewhat argillaceous; sparingly
phosphatic and a trace of dolomite; massive
and structureless; unconsolidated and
variably moderate to fully coherent and
competent (an average of ~78% core
recovery); grades downward by coarsening
Bed 12 Sand: variably medium to coarse grained and 7.0 146.0
moderately to poorly sorted; somewhat
argillaceous with phosphate pellets (pelletal
phosphate and coarseness/poor sorting are
apparently inversely related); mostly massive
and structureless except for some thick, very
rude stratification; unconsolidated but
coherent and competent (100% core recovery;
grades abruptly downward into:
Bed 13 Sand: fine grained and well sorted; 9.0 153.0
conspicuously argillaceous and somewhat
phosphatic; massive and structureless;
unconsolidated but coherent and competent
(100% core recovery); grades downwards
downward into:
Bed 14 Sand: fine to medium grained and well sorted; 8.0 162.0
argillaceous, a trace of pelletal phosphate and
very minor dolomite; massive and
structureless; unconsolidated and probably
coherent and competent; grades downward
Bed 15 Sand: medium to coarse grained and 2.5 170.0
moderately to poorly sorted; argillaceous and
somewhat phosphatic; massive and
structureless; unconsolidated and coherent;
overlies core gap:
variably and somewhat argillaceous; sparingly
phosphatic and a trace of dolomite; massive
and structureless; unconsolidated and
variably moderate to fully coherent and
competent (an average of ~78% core
recovery); grades downward by coarsening
Bed 12 Sand: variably medium to coarse grained and 7.0 146.0
moderately to poorly sorted; somewhat
argillaceous with phosphate pellets (pelletal
phosphate and coarseness/poor sorting are
apparently inversely related); mostly massive
and structureless except for some thick, very
rude stratification; unconsolidated but
coherent and competent (100% core recovery;
grades abruptly downward into:
Bed 13 Sand: fine grained and well sorted; 9.0 153.0
conspicuously argillaceous and somewhat
phosphatic; massive and structureless;
unconsolidated but coherent and competent
(100% core recovery); grades downwards
downward into:
Bed 14 Sand: fine to medium grained and well sorted; 8.0 162.0
argillaceous, a trace of pelletal phosphate and
very minor dolomite; massive and
structureless; unconsolidated and probably
coherent and competent; grades downward
Bed 15 Sand: medium to coarse grained and 2.5 170.0
moderately to poorly sorted; argillaceous and
somewhat phosphatic; massive and
structureless; unconsolidated and coherent;
overlies core gap:
Bed 16 Sand: medium grained and moderately 12.0 177.0
sorted with scattered granules and pebbles;
interstitial clay and slightly phosphatic and
dolomitic; massive and structureless;
unconsolidated but most coherent and
competent (~75% core recovery); grades
downward into:
Bed 17 Sand: coarse grained and poorly sorted with 11.0 189.0
an increase in granules and pebbles;
argillaceous with conspicuous clay matrix
and a stringer of dolostone intraclasts at the
top of the Bed; massive and structureless;
unconsolidated and moderately coherent
and competent (~68% core recovery); grades
downward into:
Bed 18 Sand: coarse grained, granully, pebbly and 6.0 200.0
poorly sorted; clay component is not noticeable;
massive and structureless; unconsolidated,
loose and poorly coherent and competent
(~30% core recovery in the interval; abruptly
Bed 19 Dolostone: fine textured with a few mollusk 0.5 206.0
molds; probably minor clay content; massive
bedded; appears to be variable in thickness
across the core; recrystallized and
competent; abruptly overlies:
sorted with scattered granules and pebbles;
interstitial clay and slightly phosphatic and
dolomitic; massive and structureless;
unconsolidated but most coherent and
competent (~75% core recovery); grades
downward into:
Bed 17 Sand: coarse grained and poorly sorted with 11.0 189.0
an increase in granules and pebbles;
argillaceous with conspicuous clay matrix
and a stringer of dolostone intraclasts at the
top of the Bed; massive and structureless;
unconsolidated and moderately coherent
and competent (~68% core recovery); grades
downward into:
Bed 18 Sand: coarse grained, granully, pebbly and 6.0 200.0
poorly sorted; clay component is not noticeable;
massive and structureless; unconsolidated,
loose and poorly coherent and competent
(~30% core recovery in the interval; abruptly
Bed 19 Dolostone: fine textured with a few mollusk 0.5 206.0
molds; probably minor clay content; massive
bedded; appears to be variable in thickness
across the core; recrystallized and
competent; abruptly overlies:
Bed 20 Sand: coarse grained, pebbly and poorly 3.5 206.5
sorted; feldspathic (fresh feldspar);
argillaceous and with scattered echinoid
fragments; massive and structureless;
unconsolidated but coherent and competent;
grades downward into:
Bed 21 Sand: medium to coarse grained and 5.0 210.0
moderately/poorly sorted with scattered
quartz pebbles; variably argillaceous with
interstitial clay content decreasing downward;
massive and structureless; unconsolidated
and moderately to mostly coherent and
competent (~83% core recovery); abruptly
Bed 22 Dolostone: fine textured and argillaceous, 0.5 215.0
other lithic components noted; massive
and structureless; recrystallized and
competent; abruptly overlies:
Bed 23 Sand: similar to Bed 21 but consistently 5.5 215.5
little interstitial clay; grades downward into:
Bed 24 Sand: coarse grained, pebbly and poorly 4.0 221.0
sorted; conspicuously argillaceous; massive
and structureless; unconsolidated and
moderately to mostly coherent and
competent (~83% core recovery); grades
downward into:
Bed 25 Sand: medium to coarse grained, scattered 17.0 225.0
pebbles and moderately poorly sorted;
moderately argillaceous; massive and
structureless; unconsolidated and
moderately coherent and competent (~47%
core recovery); grades downward into:
Bed 26 Sand: poorly sorted, mostly as above but 7.5 242.0
with some scattered phosphate pellets;
massive and structureless; unconsolidated
and mostly coherent and competent (~80%
core recovery); overlies core gap:
CORE GAP 7.5 249.5
NO CORE RECOVERY “cuttings” 13.0 257.0
sorted; feldspathic (fresh feldspar);
argillaceous and with scattered echinoid
fragments; massive and structureless;
unconsolidated but coherent and competent;
grades downward into:
Bed 21 Sand: medium to coarse grained and 5.0 210.0
moderately/poorly sorted with scattered
quartz pebbles; variably argillaceous with
interstitial clay content decreasing downward;
massive and structureless; unconsolidated
and moderately to mostly coherent and
competent (~83% core recovery); abruptly
Bed 22 Dolostone: fine textured and argillaceous, 0.5 215.0
other lithic components noted; massive
and structureless; recrystallized and
competent; abruptly overlies:
Bed 23 Sand: similar to Bed 21 but consistently 5.5 215.5
little interstitial clay; grades downward into:
Bed 24 Sand: coarse grained, pebbly and poorly 4.0 221.0
sorted; conspicuously argillaceous; massive
and structureless; unconsolidated and
moderately to mostly coherent and
competent (~83% core recovery); grades
downward into:
Bed 25 Sand: medium to coarse grained, scattered 17.0 225.0
pebbles and moderately poorly sorted;
moderately argillaceous; massive and
structureless; unconsolidated and
moderately coherent and competent (~47%
core recovery); grades downward into:
Bed 26 Sand: poorly sorted, mostly as above but 7.5 242.0
with some scattered phosphate pellets;
massive and structureless; unconsolidated
and mostly coherent and competent (~80%
core recovery); overlies core gap:
CORE GAP 7.5 249.5
NO CORE RECOVERY “cuttings” 13.0 257.0
~49% core recovery
Bed 27 Sand: argillaceous; massive and structureless; 3.0 270.0
unconsolidated and moderately coherent and
competent; grades downward into:
Bed 28 Clay: variably finely sandy with varying 10.0 273.0
amounts of pelletal phosphate; massive and
structureless; unconsolidated and moderately
coherent and competent; grades downward
Bed 29 Sand: fine grained and well sorted; 5.0 283.0
argillaceous, no apparent pelletal phosphate;
massive and structureless; unconsolidated
and moderately coherent and competent;
grades broadly downward into:
Bed 30 Sand: coarse grained, pebbly and poorly 2.0 288.0
sorted; argillaceous; massive and
structureless; unconsolidated but mostly
coherent and competent; abruptly overlies:
Bed 31 Clay: finely and sparingly sandy, 5.0 290.0
nonphosphatic; massive and structureless;
unconsolidated but probably competent;
grades broadly downward into:
Bed 32 Sand: fine grained and well sorted; 3.5 295.0
argillaceous, nonphosphatic; massive and
structureless; unconsolidated and moderately
coherent and competent; overlies core gap:
CORE GAP 8.5 298.5
~27% core recovery
Bed 33 Clay: appears to be fullers earth; finely 0.5 307.0
sandy; thinly stratified; unconsolidated but
probably poorly coherent (% recovery is
unknown due to overlying core gap);
abruptly overlies:
Bed 34 Dolostone: fine textured and moldic with 1.0 307.5
scattered molds of mollusks, finely sandy
and somewhat argillaceous; massive bedded
but with uneven upper and lower surfaces;
indurated; abruptly overlies:
Bed 35 Sand: coarse grained, gravelly and poorly 1.5 308.5
sorted; slightly argillaceous and dolomitic,
nonphosphatic but a shark’s tooth was
noted; massive and structureless;
unconsolidated and probably very poorly
coherent; % core recovery of the Bed is
unknown due to the underlying core gap;
overlies core gap:
CORE GAP 17.0 310.0
CORE GAP “sand cuttings” 23.0 327.0
Bed 36 Sand: medium to coarse, gravelly and poorly 4.0 350.0
sorted; argillaceous with clay content
increasing downward, somewhat dolomitic,
some burrows noted; massive bedded;
unconsolidated and moderately coherent but
of unknown competence and thickness;
overlies core gap:
CORE GAP 6.0 354.0
Bed 37 Dolostone: finely sandy and phosphatic; 0.5 360.0
massive bedded; recrystallized and competent
abruptly overlies:
Bed 38 Clay: finely sandy and dolomitic; massive and 2.5 360.5
structureless; unconsolidated and apparently
coherent and competent; abruptly overlies:
Bed 39 Dolostone: finely sandy and phosphatic with 1.5 363.0
a trace of clay minerals; massive and
structureless; recrystallized and competent;
grades downward into:
Bed 40 Sand: medium grained, a few quartz pebbles 1.5 364.5
and moderately/poorly sorted; massive and
structureless; unconsolidated and probably
poorly coherent and competent; overlies core
CORE GAP 9.0 366.0
Bed 41 Dolostone: similar to Bed 39 – very and finely 3.5 375.0
sandy and somewhat phosphatic with a trace
of clay minerals; massive and structureless;
recrystallized and competent; grades
downward into:
Bed 42 Dolostone; similar to overlying bed but 3.0 378.5
prominently with intraclastic dolostone,
dolostone intraclasts decrease in number
downward; massive and structureless;
recrystallized and apparently competent;
abruptly overlies:
Bed 43 Sand: fine grained and well sorted; somewhat 30.5 381.5
argillaceous and phosphatic; massive and
structureless; unconsolidated and poorly
coherent and competent (~23% core recovery);
grades downward into:
~49% core recovery
Bed 27 Sand: argillaceous; massive and structureless; 3.0 270.0
unconsolidated and moderately coherent and
competent; grades downward into:
Bed 28 Clay: variably finely sandy with varying 10.0 273.0
amounts of pelletal phosphate; massive and
structureless; unconsolidated and moderately
coherent and competent; grades downward
Bed 29 Sand: fine grained and well sorted; 5.0 283.0
argillaceous, no apparent pelletal phosphate;
massive and structureless; unconsolidated
and moderately coherent and competent;
grades broadly downward into:
Bed 30 Sand: coarse grained, pebbly and poorly 2.0 288.0
sorted; argillaceous; massive and
structureless; unconsolidated but mostly
coherent and competent; abruptly overlies:
Bed 31 Clay: finely and sparingly sandy, 5.0 290.0
nonphosphatic; massive and structureless;
unconsolidated but probably competent;
grades broadly downward into:
Bed 32 Sand: fine grained and well sorted; 3.5 295.0
argillaceous, nonphosphatic; massive and
structureless; unconsolidated and moderately
coherent and competent; overlies core gap:
CORE GAP 8.5 298.5
~27% core recovery
Bed 33 Clay: appears to be fullers earth; finely 0.5 307.0
sandy; thinly stratified; unconsolidated but
probably poorly coherent (% recovery is
unknown due to overlying core gap);
abruptly overlies:
Bed 34 Dolostone: fine textured and moldic with 1.0 307.5
scattered molds of mollusks, finely sandy
and somewhat argillaceous; massive bedded
but with uneven upper and lower surfaces;
indurated; abruptly overlies:
Bed 35 Sand: coarse grained, gravelly and poorly 1.5 308.5
sorted; slightly argillaceous and dolomitic,
nonphosphatic but a shark’s tooth was
noted; massive and structureless;
unconsolidated and probably very poorly
coherent; % core recovery of the Bed is
unknown due to the underlying core gap;
overlies core gap:
CORE GAP 17.0 310.0
CORE GAP “sand cuttings” 23.0 327.0
Bed 36 Sand: medium to coarse, gravelly and poorly 4.0 350.0
sorted; argillaceous with clay content
increasing downward, somewhat dolomitic,
some burrows noted; massive bedded;
unconsolidated and moderately coherent but
of unknown competence and thickness;
overlies core gap:
CORE GAP 6.0 354.0
Bed 37 Dolostone: finely sandy and phosphatic; 0.5 360.0
massive bedded; recrystallized and competent
abruptly overlies:
Bed 38 Clay: finely sandy and dolomitic; massive and 2.5 360.5
structureless; unconsolidated and apparently
coherent and competent; abruptly overlies:
Bed 39 Dolostone: finely sandy and phosphatic with 1.5 363.0
a trace of clay minerals; massive and
structureless; recrystallized and competent;
grades downward into:
Bed 40 Sand: medium grained, a few quartz pebbles 1.5 364.5
and moderately/poorly sorted; massive and
structureless; unconsolidated and probably
poorly coherent and competent; overlies core
CORE GAP 9.0 366.0
Bed 41 Dolostone: similar to Bed 39 – very and finely 3.5 375.0
sandy and somewhat phosphatic with a trace
of clay minerals; massive and structureless;
recrystallized and competent; grades
downward into:
Bed 42 Dolostone; similar to overlying bed but 3.0 378.5
prominently with intraclastic dolostone,
dolostone intraclasts decrease in number
downward; massive and structureless;
recrystallized and apparently competent;
abruptly overlies:
Bed 43 Sand: fine grained and well sorted; somewhat 30.5 381.5
argillaceous and phosphatic; massive and
structureless; unconsolidated and poorly
coherent and competent (~23% core recovery);
grades downward into:
Bed 44 Clay: (fullers earth?), slightly silty; massive 3.0 412.0
and structureless; unconsolidated and appears
competent; grades downward into:
Bed 45 Sand; fine grained and well sorted; 4.0 415.0
argillaceous with minor interstitial clay with
thin layers and discontinuous laminae of clay;
somewhat phosphatic; stratified;
unconsolidated and probably poorly
coherent and competent; overlies core gap:
CORE GAP 16.0 419.0
Bed 46 Sand: (marly), fine grained and well sorted; 1.0 435.0
argillaceous and dolomitic with pelletal
phosphate; massive and structureless;
unconsolidated but of unknown coherence
and competence due to overlying core gap;
abruptly overlies:
Bed 47 Sand: fine to medium grained and well 2.0 436.0
sorted; no other lithic components noted;
unconsolidated but of unknown coherence
and competence; overlies
Bed 48 Clay: (marly), similar to Bed 46 but less 3.0 438.0
sandy; dolomitic with pelletal
phosphate; massive and structureless;
unconsolidated but of unknown coherence
and competence due to underlying core gap;
overlies core gap:
CORE GAP 14.0 441.0
Porters Landing Member (upper Parachucla) – 67.5 feet
~30% core recovery
Bed 49 Clay: (Porters Landing-type clay); somewhat 6.0 455.0
sandy and phosphatic; massive and
structureless; tough and competent; overlies
core gap:
CORE GAP 12.0 461.0
Bed 50 Sand: fine/medium grained and well sorted, 3.5 473.0
fines downward; slightly argillaceous in the
upper part with clay content increasing
downward; somewhat phosphatic; massive
bedded; unconsolidated and of unknown
competence; abruptly overlies:
Bed 51 Dolostone: finely sandy and fine textured, no 0.25 476.5
other lithic components noted; structureless;
crystallized and probably competent; abruptly
Bed 52 Sand: recovered sand is fine grained and 20.75 476.75
well sorted, no other lithic components
noted; appears massive and structureless;
unconsolidated and very poorly coherent
and competent (~10% core recovery – can’t
be certain if it is all the same Bed); abruptly
Bed 53 Dolostone: finely sandy and fine textured, 0.5 497.5
somewhat phosphatic with pelletal phosphate;
structureless; crystallized and competent;
overlies core gap:
Bed 54 Sand: mostly fine grained and well sorted; 20.5 498.0
argillaceous and somewhat phosphatic and
dolomitic; massive and structureless;
unconsolidated and probably poorly coherent
and competent (~22% core recovery); grades
downward into:
Bed 55 Sand: broadly similar to the overlying bed 4.0 518.5
but is finely carbonaceous with interstitial
carbonaceous material and there is no
apparent dolomite or pelletal phosphate;
massive and structureless; unconsolidated
but apparently coherent and competent;
very abruptly and probably disconformably
Tiger Leap Member (lower Parachucla) – 119.5 feet
~52% core recovery
Bed 56 Dolostone: somewhat fossiliferous with 3.0 522.5
mollusk molds; a trace of pelletal phosphate;
massive and structureless; recrystallized and
competent; grades abruptly downward into:
Bed 57 Limestone: fossiliferous with molds of 5.5 525.5
mollusks; no other lithic components noted;
massive and structureless; partially cemented
and probably competent; overlies core gap:
CORE GAP 4.0 531.0
Bed 58 Sand: argillaceous and pigmented; may be 4.0 535.0
cuttings or slump from the higher, weathered
section; overlies core gap:
CORE GAP 6.0 539.0
Bed 59 Sandstone: the quartz sand is well sorted and 7.5 545.0
very calcareous; no other lithic components
noted; massive and structureless; cemented
with calcite but the competence is unknown
due to a core gap; overlies core gap:
CORE GAP 14.5 552.5
Bed 60 Sand: fine grained and well sorted; 36.0 567.0
argillaceous, dolomitic and phosphatic with
pelletal phosphate – more phosphatic in the
lower few feet; massive and structureless;
unconsolidated and moderately coherent and
competent (~54% core recovery); grades
downward into:
Bed 61 Dolostone: “Penney Farms” lithology, 20.0 603.0
fine to medium textured sucrosic dolostone;
finely sandy and phosphatic with both pelletal
phosphate and phosphatic nodules; probably
a trace of clay minerals are present but clay is
not apparent; massive and structureless;
recrystallized and moderately well competent
(~70% core recovery); abruptly overlies:
Lower Oligocene, Vicksburgian?
Lazaretto Creek?
~47% core recovery
Bed 62 Limestone: very sandy, quartz sand is fine 19.0 623.0
to medium grained and well sorted;
fossiliferous with common to abundant
mollusk molds; cf. Pararotalia mexicana was
noted near the base of the Bed; massive and
structureless; well cemented with calcite and
moderately competent (~42% core recovery);
very abruptly overlies:
~33% core recovery
Bed 63 Limestone: granular and non-macro- 3.0 642.0
fossiliferous; cf. Pararotalia mexicana was
noted near the top of the Bed; massive and
structureless; poorly indurated, partially
cemented with calcite; grades downward into:
Bed 64 Limestone: similar to the overlying bed but 20.0 645.0
the limestone is well cemented; massive and
structureless; the competence of the lithology
is uncertain due to a core gap from 648 feet to
650 feet; mostly indurated but moderate
to poor core recovery (~40% core recovery);
overlies core gap:
CORE GAP 5.0 665.0
Bed 65 Limestone: granular and coarsely fossiliferous 4.0 670.0
with molds of mollusks; mostly massive bedded
but there is a layer 1 foot thick of poorly
cemented, non-macrofossiliferous limestone
within the Bed; well cemented but the
competence of the limestone is uncertain:
overlies core gap:
CORE GAP 13.0 674.0
BOTTOM OF THE CORE AT 687 FEET. ___________________________
and structureless; unconsolidated and appears
competent; grades downward into:
Bed 45 Sand; fine grained and well sorted; 4.0 415.0
argillaceous with minor interstitial clay with
thin layers and discontinuous laminae of clay;
somewhat phosphatic; stratified;
unconsolidated and probably poorly
coherent and competent; overlies core gap:
CORE GAP 16.0 419.0
Bed 46 Sand: (marly), fine grained and well sorted; 1.0 435.0
argillaceous and dolomitic with pelletal
phosphate; massive and structureless;
unconsolidated but of unknown coherence
and competence due to overlying core gap;
abruptly overlies:
Bed 47 Sand: fine to medium grained and well 2.0 436.0
sorted; no other lithic components noted;
unconsolidated but of unknown coherence
and competence; overlies
Bed 48 Clay: (marly), similar to Bed 46 but less 3.0 438.0
sandy; dolomitic with pelletal
phosphate; massive and structureless;
unconsolidated but of unknown coherence
and competence due to underlying core gap;
overlies core gap:
CORE GAP 14.0 441.0
Porters Landing Member (upper Parachucla) – 67.5 feet
~30% core recovery
Bed 49 Clay: (Porters Landing-type clay); somewhat 6.0 455.0
sandy and phosphatic; massive and
structureless; tough and competent; overlies
core gap:
CORE GAP 12.0 461.0
Bed 50 Sand: fine/medium grained and well sorted, 3.5 473.0
fines downward; slightly argillaceous in the
upper part with clay content increasing
downward; somewhat phosphatic; massive
bedded; unconsolidated and of unknown
competence; abruptly overlies:
Bed 51 Dolostone: finely sandy and fine textured, no 0.25 476.5
other lithic components noted; structureless;
crystallized and probably competent; abruptly
Bed 52 Sand: recovered sand is fine grained and 20.75 476.75
well sorted, no other lithic components
noted; appears massive and structureless;
unconsolidated and very poorly coherent
and competent (~10% core recovery – can’t
be certain if it is all the same Bed); abruptly
Bed 53 Dolostone: finely sandy and fine textured, 0.5 497.5
somewhat phosphatic with pelletal phosphate;
structureless; crystallized and competent;
overlies core gap:
Bed 54 Sand: mostly fine grained and well sorted; 20.5 498.0
argillaceous and somewhat phosphatic and
dolomitic; massive and structureless;
unconsolidated and probably poorly coherent
and competent (~22% core recovery); grades
downward into:
Bed 55 Sand: broadly similar to the overlying bed 4.0 518.5
but is finely carbonaceous with interstitial
carbonaceous material and there is no
apparent dolomite or pelletal phosphate;
massive and structureless; unconsolidated
but apparently coherent and competent;
very abruptly and probably disconformably
Tiger Leap Member (lower Parachucla) – 119.5 feet
~52% core recovery
Bed 56 Dolostone: somewhat fossiliferous with 3.0 522.5
mollusk molds; a trace of pelletal phosphate;
massive and structureless; recrystallized and
competent; grades abruptly downward into:
Bed 57 Limestone: fossiliferous with molds of 5.5 525.5
mollusks; no other lithic components noted;
massive and structureless; partially cemented
and probably competent; overlies core gap:
CORE GAP 4.0 531.0
Bed 58 Sand: argillaceous and pigmented; may be 4.0 535.0
cuttings or slump from the higher, weathered
section; overlies core gap:
CORE GAP 6.0 539.0
Bed 59 Sandstone: the quartz sand is well sorted and 7.5 545.0
very calcareous; no other lithic components
noted; massive and structureless; cemented
with calcite but the competence is unknown
due to a core gap; overlies core gap:
CORE GAP 14.5 552.5
Bed 60 Sand: fine grained and well sorted; 36.0 567.0
argillaceous, dolomitic and phosphatic with
pelletal phosphate – more phosphatic in the
lower few feet; massive and structureless;
unconsolidated and moderately coherent and
competent (~54% core recovery); grades
downward into:
Bed 61 Dolostone: “Penney Farms” lithology, 20.0 603.0
fine to medium textured sucrosic dolostone;
finely sandy and phosphatic with both pelletal
phosphate and phosphatic nodules; probably
a trace of clay minerals are present but clay is
not apparent; massive and structureless;
recrystallized and moderately well competent
(~70% core recovery); abruptly overlies:
Lower Oligocene, Vicksburgian?
Lazaretto Creek?
~47% core recovery
Bed 62 Limestone: very sandy, quartz sand is fine 19.0 623.0
to medium grained and well sorted;
fossiliferous with common to abundant
mollusk molds; cf. Pararotalia mexicana was
noted near the base of the Bed; massive and
structureless; well cemented with calcite and
moderately competent (~42% core recovery);
very abruptly overlies:
~33% core recovery
Bed 63 Limestone: granular and non-macro- 3.0 642.0
fossiliferous; cf. Pararotalia mexicana was
noted near the top of the Bed; massive and
structureless; poorly indurated, partially
cemented with calcite; grades downward into:
Bed 64 Limestone: similar to the overlying bed but 20.0 645.0
the limestone is well cemented; massive and
structureless; the competence of the lithology
is uncertain due to a core gap from 648 feet to
650 feet; mostly indurated but moderate
to poor core recovery (~40% core recovery);
overlies core gap:
CORE GAP 5.0 665.0
Bed 65 Limestone: granular and coarsely fossiliferous 4.0 670.0
with molds of mollusks; mostly massive bedded
but there is a layer 1 foot thick of poorly
cemented, non-macrofossiliferous limestone
within the Bed; well cemented but the
competence of the limestone is uncertain:
overlies core gap:
CORE GAP 13.0 674.0
BOTTOM OF THE CORE AT 687 FEET. ___________________________